[雷] 「觀眾來找碴」之簡介及關鍵字 - 探索頻道

Kumar avatar
By Kumar
at 2010-09-10T18:25

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List of MythBusters episodes (維基百科)
MythBusters 2010 season (維基百科)

流言終結者:觀眾來找碴 (Mythssion Control) 第143集

單元: 撞車力道 (Crash Force)、 打掉你的襪子「再驗證」 (Knock Your Socks
Off Revisit)



汽車對撞(cars crashing into each other)、汽車撞牆(car hitting a wall);

小型實驗(small scale tests)、鐘擺(pendulum)、擺錘(swinging hammers)、靜止
鋼塊(unmovable steel)、黏土(clay)、壓縮長度(compressed length)、軌道
(track)、鋼纜(cable)、V8引擎(V8 engine)、實心鋼牆(solid steel wall)、加速
計(accelerometer)、黑盒子(black box)、重力負載(G-load)、車的長度(length
of car);
脫襪機(sock stripper)、氣壓缸(Pneumatic cylinder)、雙高位測力計(dual high
position force meter)、布料(Fabric)、長度(length)、無鬆緊帶(non-elastic
woven)、羊毛襪(wool sock)、毛毛腿和無毛腿(hairy and hairless legs)、汗水測
試(sweat test)、人的皮膚(human skin)、小羊皮(lamb skin)、可動腳踝、氮氣拳
(nitrogen punch)、快放裝置(quick release)、雷射觸發器(laser trigger)、上勾
拳(uppercut)、右勾拳(right hook)、腹部重擊(body blow)、鋼樑(steel girder)
、渦輪動力卡車(turbo-charge truck)

牛頓第三運動定律(Newton's third law of motion)、撞擊作用力(force impact)、
動能(kinetic energy)、質量(mass)、速度(velocity);
阻力(resistance)、布料材質、擊打的速度與質量(punch mass & speed)


Two cars crashing into each other at 50 mph will exert the same force as
a single car hitting a wall at 50 mph. "Confirmed"
In their small scale tests, the Mythbusters compressed clay with swinging
hammers at two different speeds (1x and 2x speeds). Their results showed
that two objects hitting each other at 1x speed will cause 1x damage. In
their full scale tests, the Mythbusters crashed two cars into a wall at
50 and 100 mph as references. They then had two cars going at 50 mph
collide into each other. After surveying the results, it was clear that
the two cars suffered damage identical to the car that crashed into the
wall at 50 mph. The Mythbusters explained that was possible through
Newton's third law of motion. Even though there was twice the force
generated from both cars, that force also had to be divided between the
mass of both cars as well.

It is possible to literally knock someone's socks off. "Partly Confirmed"
The Build Team tested various types of socks on both hairy and hairless
legs to see which sock could be pulled off the easiest. The Build Team
then concluded that a non-elastic woven wool sock on a hairless leg would
be the best possible combination. They then built ballistic gel legs
covered in lamb skin to simulate human legs. The Build Team tested
several punches: the uppercut, the right hook, and the body blow.
However, none of the punches managed to remove the socks, even with
superhuman strength. In order to see what it would take to knock a
person's socks off, they hit Buster with a girder mounted on a moving
truck. While the truck failed to knock Buster's socks off at 40 mph (64
km/h), they saw on reviewed footage that the socks were sliding off; a
second run at 65 mph (105 km/h) finally sent the socks flying off
Buster's feet. While the myth was confirmed, the Build Team pointed out
that they had to use an astronomical amount of force in order to achieve


All Comments

[LIVE] 第143集 觀眾來找碴

Dinah avatar
By Dinah
at 2010-09-10T12:12
(昨天晚上忘記看了) 坦白說看到小型實驗,我也嚇了一大跳 因為依照相對速度而言,兩邊對向50哩應該等於單向100哩 可是最後實驗的結果卻不一樣 依照作用力與反作用力定律 車子撞上牆壁的時候,所有反作用力會回到車身 所以我認為,車子對撞之所以結果和車子撞牆不一樣 應該是因為被撞的車子會往後彈,因此撞車的反 ...

[LIVE] 第143集 觀眾來找碴

Leila avatar
By Leila
at 2010-09-09T23:48
假設撞到之後都是黏在一起 (完全非彈性碰撞) case 1 2台車以V的速度對撞 一輛車質量m 由於動量守恆 所以撞完瞬間黏在一起且速度為0 動能全部損失(被車體損壞吸收) 所以一台車吸收的能量剛好是自己的動能(1/2)mV^2 case 2 假設一台車 以2V撞一台靜止 碰撞前的總動能是(1/2 ...

[LIVE] 第143集 觀眾來找碴

Agnes avatar
By Agnes
at 2010-09-09T23:23
其實關於車子對撞的實驗涉及的牛頓第3定律「作用力和反作用力」 我想應該大多數人國中就教過了 這實驗會被反駁成應該是時速50哩撞牆的人可能忘記了一點 A車用50哩撞牆時:獲得牆給予的反作用力 對撞時A車撞擊B車時:獲得B車給予的反作用力+B車50哩時速給予A車的作用力 認為跟50哩撞牆一樣的人 可能都忘記後面 ...

[LIVE] 第143集 觀眾來找碴

Kelly avatar
By Kelly
at 2010-09-09T22:29
美國播出時間:2010.05.05 臺灣播出時間:2010.09.09 首播時間:09/09 23:00 重播時間:09/10 03:00 09/10 11:00 09/12 00:00 09/12 09:00 09/12 18 ...

[LIVE] 第140集 間諜車脫逃密技

Necoo avatar
By Necoo
at 2010-09-08T10:08
※ 引述《sisko196 (晨)》之銘言: : 主題:間諜車脫逃密技 Spy Car Escape : 主持人:傑米、亞當、格蘭、托瑞、凱莉 : 驗證流言: : Can an object fired backward from a vehicle moving forward simply fall t ...