118-part 02 - 六人行

Puput avatar
By Puput
at 2013-05-08T20:22

Table of Contents

[Scene: Ross' apartment. Chandler and Joey are there.
Ross enters with a pizza.]

Ross: Alright boys, let's eat.

Chandler: Oh, did you get that from the 'I Love Rachel' pizzeria?

Ross: You still on that?

Chandler: Oh, come on. What was with that whole Black Bart speech?
(mimicking): "When I play poker, I'm not a nice guy!"

Ross: You are way off, pal.

Joey: No, I don't think so, see Ross, because I think you love her.

Ross: Um.... no. See, I might've had feelings for her at one time—
not any more. I just—I...

(Marcel makes a screeching noise in background.)

Ross: Marcel! Where are you going with that disc?

(Marcel puts a CD in the player.)

Ross: You are not putting that on again!
Marcel, OK—if you press that button,
you are in very, very big trouble.

(The Lion Sleeps Tonight starts to play. Marcel starts to dance.)

[Scene: Monica and Rachel's, Rachel, Monica, and Phoebe are there.]

Rachel: (opening mail) Can you believe what a jerk Ross was being?

Monica: Yeah, I know. He can get really competitive.

Phoebe: Ha. Ha, ha.

Monica: What?

Phoebe: Oh, hello, kettle? This is Monica. You're black.

Monica: Please! I am not as bad as Ross.

Rachel: Oh, I beg to differ. The Pictionary incident?

Monica: That was not an incident!
I-I was gesturing, a-and the plate slipped out of my hand.

Rachel: Oooooh. (reads letter)
(surprised): Oh! I got an interview! I got an interview!

Monica: You're kidding! Where? Where?

Rachel: (in disbelief): Sak's... Fifth... Avenue.

Monica: Oh, Rachel!

Phoebe: Oh, it's like the mother ship is calling you home.

Monica: Well, what's the job?

Rachel: Assistant buyer. Oh! I would be shopping... for a living!

(Knock on door.)

Monica: OK, look. That is Aunt Iris.
This woman has been playing poker since she was five.
You gotta listen to every word she says. (opens door) Hi!

Aunt Iris: Is Tony Randall dead?

Rachel: No.

Monica: I don't think so.

Rachel: Why?

Aunt Iris: Well, he may be now, because I think I hit him with my car.

Monica: What?

Rachel: Oh my God!

Monica: Really?

Aunt Iris: No! That's bluffing. Lesson number one.
(walks into kitchen) Let me tell you something...
everything you hear at a poker game is pure crap.
(to Phoebe): Nice earrings.

Phoebe: Thank y... (thinks about it)

Aunt Iris: Girls, sit down.

Monica: Uh, Aunt Iris? This is Phoebe, and that's Rachel...

Aunt Iris: Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, listen, I am parked at a meter.
Let's do it.

[Scene: Ross's apartment, everyone but Rachel is seated
around his table. The Lion Sleep Tonight plays in the background.]

Phoebe: Ross, could we please, please, please listen to anything else?

Ross: Alright.

(Ross shuts off the CD player.
Marcel runs into the bedroom and slams the door.)

Ross: I'm gonna pay for that tonight.

(Knock on door. Ross opens it. Rachel enters.)

Rachel: Hi!

Ross: Hey.

Rachel: Guys! Guess what, guess what, guess what, guess what!

Chandler: Um, ok... the... the fifth dentist caved
and now they're all recommending Trident?

Rachel: Noooo... the interview! She loved me!
She absolutely loved me.
We talked for like two and a half hours,
we have the same taste in clothes, and—oh,
I went to camp with her cousin... And, oh, the job is perfect.
I can do this. I can do this well!

All: That's great! That's wonderful!

Rachel: Oh God, oh, and then she told the funniest story...

Monica: OK, great. You'll tell us and we'll laugh. Let's play poker.

Joey: Alright now listen, you guys, we talked about it,
and if you don't want to play, we completely understand.

Chandler: Oh yes, yes, we could play some other game...
like, uh, I don't know... Pictionary?

(The guys all duck under the table.)

Monica: Ha, ha, very funny, very funny.
But I think we'd like to give poker another try. Shall we, ladies?

Phoebe and Rachel: Yes, we should. I think we should.

Ross: Uh, Rach, do you want me to shuffle those?

Rachel: No, no, thats OK. Y'know, I think I'm gonna give it a go.

Ross: Alright.

Rachel: Alright... (shuffles cards expertly, all the guys stare in amazement)

Commercial Break


All Comments

118-part 01

Edith avatar
By Edith
at 2013-05-08T20:14
118 The One With All The Poker -PART 01 (The whole gang is helping Rachel mail out resumes while whistling the theme from The Bridge on the River Kwai.) ...


Harry avatar
By Harry
at 2013-05-05T21:56
最近重新開始看六人行,雖然是看第二次了,但那些笑點還是一樣好笑XD 在網路上看到這篇文章,就順便當翻譯練習,如果內容有錯請大家不吝指教    謝謝!(剛剛爬文發現有幾條之前有板有PO過了,請見諒~) ------------------------------------------------ ...

117 (花絮)

Frederica avatar
By Frederica
at 2013-05-05T21:34
Goofs (技術性穿幫) 1.When Monica returns to the nurse to ask for another form you can clearly see that she is using a pencil, so there was no need for Moni ...

116 (花絮)

Noah avatar
By Noah
at 2013-05-05T20:01
Continuity: (劇情連續問題) 1.Phoebe tells the gang that it was no big deal to her parents when she started walking soon after Ursula. However in and#34;The ...


Emma avatar
By Emma
at 2013-05-03T10:54
各位版友好。 最近想把六人行全部10季都看完, 現在看到第10季,結果剛剛看到一個幕後花絮,在裡面竟然看到我沒看過的片段... 因為太多集了,大概有240集,可能當初不小心跳過了... 現在會去一集一集找,可能很沒效率,所以想說說不定板上有六人行迷...可以問問。 有一集Joey把火雞戴在頭上 ...