第六季劇情大綱 - 六人行

By Vanessa
at 2006-04-26T11:40
at 2006-04-26T11:40
Table of Contents
601 - The One After Vegas
- Rachel跟Ross在維加斯喝醉酒並結了婚, 當他們酒醒之後知道這件事情十分
的驚訝, Rachel不停的要Ross取消這次的婚禮, 但是Ross最後並沒有這麼做..
- Chandler和 Monica看到Ross跟Rachel結婚之後, 一下子被嚇醒了, 他們開始
覺得現在談結婚是不是還太早..不過最後, Chandler決定搬過去跟Monica一起住
- Joey必須把Phoebe的車子開回去, 但是他不想一個人, 於是他邀了Phoebe,
但是Phoebe覺得太無趣要Joey跟他在車上玩遊戲, 但是Joey在車上不停的睡覺,
mimosa, unlikely, clear-cut, christen,
the ball's in sb's court
Monica: What are you talking about? If you get married in Vegas you're
married everywhere.
Phoebe: (shocked) Really?!
Monica: Yeah!
Phoebe: Oh my God!—Eh! Well…
Monica: Oh hi! Hi! Y’know, we were just talking about bacon.
Phoebe: No, we were talking about tennis. Tennis is more believable.
Phoebe: Yes you do! This is your third divorce! You love divorce so much
you’re probably gonna marry it! Then it won't work out and you're
gonna have to divorce it, divorcing guy. (Pause) I’m so drunk.
[guest star]
Bill Stevenson (as Rick) Nina Mann (as The Attendant)
Rick Pasqualone (as The Croupier)
602 - The One Where Ross Hugs Rachel
- Ross沒去解除婚約, Phoebe對此不高興, 她要Ross趕快去辦,並且說服他離過三次婚
並不代表什麼, 如果他不去辦離婚的話, 就代表他還愛著Rachel
- Monica跟Chandler要住在一起了, 而他們先得告訴Joey和Rachel這件事, Joey很
難過, 但是Rachel這個傢伙似乎還反應不過來, 這使得Monica覺得她們的友誼沒有像
*Opening: Phoebe知道Ross沒去取消婚禮之後, 她為了要跟Ross談這件事情搞了一段很
好笑的劇情,Angelica GO!GO!
*Ending: Phoebe和Joey在談以後結婚的事情
lose sb's nerve
Rachel: Ugh, the worse day! Y’know, you think you’re making progress at
work and then your boss calls you Raquel.
Chandler: Hey listen, for the first four years of my work everybody called
me Sha-la-lap.
Karin: Actually, I’m dating at all anymore. See, I figured out that I was
only dating guys that were like y’know bad for me, so until I work
that out…
Phoebe: (interrupting) Whatever! What about you Meg?
Meg: Well, I don’t care about the divorces either, but I wouldn’t date
him. It’s just that he’s obviously still in love with this Rachel
Ross: What?!
Phoebe: (leaning to him) She said, "He’s obviously still in love with this
Rachel girl." (He glares at her.)
[guest star]
Ron Glass (as Russell) Alex Kapp Horner (as Stephanie)
Tembi Locke (as Karin) Janelle Paradee (as Meg)
603 - The One With Ross's Denial
- Phoebe還是認為Ross愛著Rachel, 雖然Ross不承認, 但是他想要讓Rachel搬進
- 因為Chandler就要搬過去了, 於是Joey開始找新室友, 不過他的條件還真的蠻奇怪的..
- Monica和Chandler為了Rachel搬出去後的那一間空房要作何用途開始起了爭執..
(Ending:Joey's testing about personality on the sublet applicant)
mahogany sleigh bed, roll top desk, hat rack (掛帽子的架), swamped,
ambiance, blurt
Phoebe: Yeah, not in your case Lovey Loverson. (Tries to take a bite out
of Ross’s cookie.)
Phoebe: Okay, I didn't understand that, but y'know, maybe that's 'cause
you were speaking the secret language of love!
Monica: Love is the best medicine.
Chandler: That’s laughter.
Monica: Why do you do it?
Chandler: I don’t know.
Phoebe: (singing) I found you in my bed!
How’d you whined up there?
You are a mystery!
Little black curly hair!
Little black curly hair!
Little black, little black, little black, little black,
little black curly hair
Phoebe: Now if you want to receive e-mails about my upcoming shows, then
please give me money so I can buy a computer.
[guest star]
ames Michael Tyler (as Gunther) Brooke Boisse (as The Potential Roommate)
604 - The One Where Joey Loses His Insurance
- Ross在大學裡拿到一堂新課, 但是他對這堂新課很緊張, 又怕自己會上的很無趣,
- Joey因為工作的問題而使得他的醫療保險被取消了, 而不巧他現在又得到疝氣..
為了不花大錢他又不看醫生, 他只好抱病去試鏡..
- Phoebe的通靈師說她可能快死了, 不過她似乎不怎麼擔心這件事情, 但是到最後
* Ending: 慶祝Joey身體康復的方式,痛打他一頓
* Rachel和Monica打電話去Ross的答錄機留言取笑他
guest lecture (客座講師), residual check, mouth (v), lift weights (舉重),
hernia, igneous, consternation, cruller, carbon dating analysis
Ross: Oh…my…God! I-I see what this is! You are in love with Rachel!
Ross: I-I-I don’t even know why I bother to talk to you guys about it.
Y’know what? I’m just gonna do it on my own with no naked chicks.
Chandler: That’s the way I did it ‘til I was 19.
Rachel: Okay! (Picks up the phone and starts dialing.) (In an Irish accent)
"Hello Ross, this is Dr. McNeeley from the Fake Accent University,
we’d like you to come on board with us full time! (Hangs up.)
[guest star]
June Gable (as Estelle Leonard) Ron Glass (as Russell)
Christopher Darga (as The Director) Kim Harris (as Casting Director #1)
Joe Everett Michaels (as Casting Director #2) Rick Fitts (as The Professor)
Ian Meltzer (as Alex) Michael Naughton (as The Student)
Matt Bellner (as The Crew Member)
605 - The One With Joey's Porsche
- Joey在咖啡廳發現一台保時捷的鑰匙, 當他去找這台車的時候他發現很多人都會
主動對他關心, 於是他開始覺得這台車是他的, 還替他打蠟洗車等等, 直到真正
- Rachel對於Ross沒去取消婚禮的事情大為光火, 於是他們兩個一起去了律師的辦
- Frank跟Alice託Phoebe照顧他們的三胞胎, 但是她一個人照顧不來, 於是他找了
Chandler跟Monica幫忙, 但是後來 Chandler 因為不小心吃下玩具而被Monica拖
去看急診, 結果回來之後家裡被Phoebe搞的天翻地覆...
iffy, zone defense (區域聯防), equity investment, polishing compound,
intravenous, on sb (誰請客), Porsche
Phoebe: Umm, she said she’d be back December 26th.
Rachel: December 26th, huh maybe she’s Santa Clause.
(Phoebe laughs, then stops to think about it. Ross enters.)
Joey: Of course! Only an idiot would wear this stuff if you didn't have
the car! Right?
Chandler: That is true.
Phoebe: Yeah, but only a genius would swallow a sonic blaster gun.
Ross: The judge wouldn’t let us get an annulment! Now we gotta get a
divorce!! Did a Porsch throw up on you? (Walks on.)
[guest star]
Conchata Ferrell (as Judge) James Michael Tyler (as Gunther)
Kevin Ruf (as The Porsche Owner) Charity Nicole James (as The Woman)
Shane Nickerson (as Guy #1) Dennis Singletary (as Guy #2)
Steve Pierce (as The Passerby)
606 - The One On The Last Night (++++)
- 最後一個晚上, Chandler要搬走了, 但是他很擔心Joey以後會不能夠負擔生活上
的費用, 因此他千方百計的要設法給Joey一些錢..
- Rachel遲遲沒有把她的家當裝好, 而Phoebe又不小心挑起她們兩個吵架, 搞到最
後Monica跟Rachel竟然越吵越兇, 結果Rachel只得說她不搬了, 不過最後Phoebe
Ending: Chandler要把Ross拿走的錢騙回來 (這真是太機車了)
Chandler: Okay, here is the phone bill. (Hands it to Joey.)
Joey: (looking at it) Oh my God!!
Chandler: That’s our phone number.
Phoebe: You guys, we said we were gonna have fun! Come on, hey, remember
the time… (She starts laughing hysterically.) You don’t remember?
Rachel: You know what else I’m not gonna miss? "I’m Monica. I wash the
toilet 17 times a day. Even if people are on it!"
Chandler: Okay! Now I assume the Saucer card came up when you played last.
Ross: No.
Chandler: Hmm, let’s see if it comes up this time. (He looks at his cards
and shrugs.)
[guest star]
607 - The One Where Phoebe Runs
- Chandler想要給Monica一個驚喜, 於是他重新整理了公寓, 但是Ross卻告訴他如果
不把東西都精確的擺回原位的話, Monica可是會抓狂的...
- Rachel跟Phoebe去跑步, 但是Phoebe跑步的姿勢卻是出奇的爆笑, 這使得Rachel覺得
很尷尬, 於是她就藉故不跟她跑了. 不過這件事被Phoebe抓包, 她十分不諒解..
- Joey找到了一個新室友, 而且還是個辣妹, 但是大家卻警告他不可以跟這個辣妹搞到
一塊, 因為如果是這樣的話以後可能就會很尷尬了, 於是Joey請教了Ross跟Chandler
Opening: Rachel和Phoebe一起錄電話答錄機。
Ending: Ross在和Janine說他的機器人故事
Chandler: Yes, but the coffee table doesn't match the...
Ross: Hey, I've been married 3 times
(Chandler gives him a round of mock applause.)
[guest star]
Elle MacPherson (as Janine)
608 - The One With Ross's Teeth
- Ross又開始約會了, 而且他還為了這次約會特地去漂白牙齒, 不過大家都說這看起來
太嚇人了, 害Ross約會的時候都不敢開口說話, 但是最後, 卻因為螢光而使他的牙齒
- Phoebe去Rachel的公司借影印機, 但是卻跟一個自稱為該公司老闆的複印員搞上了,
Rachel大嘴巴的把這件事情跟她的上司講, 卻搞出一堆誤會, 不過最後這件事情還是
- Joey的新室友Janine開始在他們的公寓裡擺一些女性化的東西, 而Joey也慢慢的被感
染了, 直到Chandler提醒他要做些有男子氣概的事情之後, 他才開始跟Janine討論這
post-apoplectic, dust ruffle, curling iron, spring line (業務報表上的),
hacky, pantyhose, sachet, hammer up some drywal, frying pan, bird feeder,
groovy, black light (螢光),
Phoebe: Hello. Oh good. Ross could you put up some of these flyers for me?
(He smiles at her.) OH!! Demon!! Demon!!
[Scene: Ross’s apartment, Chandler enters. Ross is putting on makeup.]
Chandler: Hey Ross, I was wondering if… Oh my God!! Where are all the men???
[guest star]
Joanna Gleason (as Kim) Ralph Lauren (as Himself)
Elle MacPherson (as Janine) Missi Pyle (as Hilary)
609 - The One Where Ross Got High (++++)
Plots: (another story on Thanksgiving)
- 感恩節到了, Monica邀請他的父母來家裡一起慶祝, 但是因為她還沒跟她們說她跟
Chandler的事情, 而不巧他們對 Chandler好像有壞印象, 一問之下竟然是因為大學
- Joey一直想要去參加他室友的狂歡派對, 但是卻卡在Monica的感恩節聚會裡..
- Rachel試著做點心, 但是她卻不知道食譜的兩頁黏住了, 導致她做了一個奇怪的
牛肉+果凍的點心, 大家為了怕她傷心, 還特地編謊言..
- Phoebe打從Mr.Geller進門後就十分的注意他, 搞出一堆好笑的事情..
burlesque, truffle, ladyfinger, mincemeat,
Ross: (only half-paying attention) Yes, of course they like you!
Chandler: Well Monica just told me that they don’t.
Ross: (not paying attention) Yeah, they don’t like you.
Chandler: (annoyed) Do you know why?
Ross: I dunno, maybe it’s because you’re really sarcastic. Or maybe it's
cause you uh-
Chandler: (angry) Well if people don’t know they shouldn’t just guess!
Monica: Dad, Chandler was just laughing at your joke.
Mr. Geller: My joke wasn’t funny.
[guest star]
Elle MacPherson (as Janine) Elliott Gould (as Jack Geller)
Christina Pickles (as Judy Geller)
610 - The One With The Routine (++++)
- Janie被邀請去上一個慶祝新年的跳舞節目, 她邀請了Joey跟她一起去, 而剛好這個
節目又是Ross跟Monica從小就最愛的節目, 因此Janine也把他們帶去了, Ross跟
Monica一心想著要上電視, 但是無論如何都無法上鏡頭, 最後他們終於拿出了絕招..
- Joey一直想要跟Janine表態, 但是一直都沒有機會, 他後來決定最後倒數的時候他要
親她, 不過..
- Rachel跟Phoebe待在家裡想要找出Monica要送給他們的聖誕禮物
wily minx, bookend (隔書架), snippy, blooper,
Phoebe and Rachel: No, we never do that
(They turn away.)
Chandler: Because that’s where Joey gave me some stuff to store that I've
never seen before in my life! Okay, that did not just happen!
(He does a weird clicky motion with his fingers, that kinda hard
to describe.)
Chandler: Those are book ends! That's a great gift!
Phoebe: Oh, okay, I'm sorry, thank you for my azzz.
Rachel: This bench, it’s hollow! I can’t believe I never knew that!
(She pushes all the pillows off it and opens it up) Oh, the
Phoebe: No, don’t look directly at them!
Chandler: What?
Chandler: That’s what you got me?
Phoebe: Oh yes, I see what you mean. That look is priceless.
[guest star]
Elle MacPherson (as Janine) Patrick Bristow (as The Stage Manager)
Lex Medlin (as The Tall Guy) James Michael Tyler (as Gunther)
Sandra Plazinic (as Dancer on Platform) Sybil Azur (as The Dancing Girl)
611 - The One With The Apothecary Table
- Rachel去買了Pottery Barn的家具回去, 但是Phoebe不喜歡這些大量製造的東西,
於是Rachel千方百計的騙她說這些家具都是她在跳蚤市場買來了, 而且具有相當
- Janine,Joey和Monica, Chandler一起出門, 但是回來之後Janie卻跟Joey抱怨
Chander講太多廢話, Monica太吵, 這使得Chandler跟Monica十分的不服氣...
ceramic, phlegm, hoot, decibel, wicker dining chair, Parker console table,
room separating apparatus
Rachel: Yeah! It’s an apothecary table. Does anyone even know what an
apothecary is?
Chandler: A pharmacist. (Rachel mocks him.) 這句超好笑XD
Rachel: Ross, she's not weird, she just wants her stuff to be one of a kind.
Ross: Huh. Y’know what’s not one of a kind? A twin!
Monica: (from the hallway) I do not like that woman!
Joey: (shouting) I can hear you!
Monica: I am loud!
Chandler: And I'm blah? Listen, the only thing more boring than watching
modern dance is having to listen to you talk about it,
(Imitating her) "Oh Chandler, I just lost myself in the moment."
[guest star]
Elle MacPherson (as Janine)
612 - The One With The Joke (+++)
- Ross和Chandler為了一則笑話的所有權開始爭奪不休..
- 三個女生在看playboy的時候, Monica提出了一個問題, 問說如果要選一個女人當
女朋友的話要選誰, 結果Phoebe說了Rachel, 這使得Monica忿忿不平..
- Joey沒錢付他的帳單, 於是他在咖啡廳打了零工..
hard-hitting, pushover, turnover, flaky, falter, prompt (提詞),
Monica: Okay, I’ve got a question. If you had to pick one of us to date,
who would it be?
Rachel: (thinks) I don’t know.
Monica: Me neither.
Phoebe: Rachel.
Monica: What?!
Phoebe: I don’t know. (Pause) Me neither.
Monica: That’s right. (A noise comes from the living room.) Did you
hear something?
Chandler: Maybe it’s the sound of Ross climbing into my brain and
stealing my thoughts.
Chandler: I think it’s great that you work here. You’re going to make
a lot of money, and here’s your first tip: Don’t eat yellow
snow. (He laughs, then picks up a pen, glares t Ross, and writes
in his journal). Ah ha ha, 2:15, coffeehouse.
Rachel : Gunther, I want you to give Joey his job back. That is really not
fair that you have to fire him…
Gunther: Okay.
[guest star]
James Michael Tyler (as Gunther) J.D. Lewis (as The Customer)
Joeanna Sayler (as The Woman at the Table) Matthew Mullany (as The Patron)
Alex Boling (as The Latte Guy [DVD only])
613 - The One With Rachel's Sister
- Rachel的妹妹Jill因為亂買東西被她爸爸趕了出來, 於是她來投靠Rachel, Rachel要
讓她勤儉一點, 而最後Ross竟然跟她搞上了
- Joey一直在咖啡廳裡送免費的食物給辣妹, 這使得Gunther十分的不高興..
- Monica感冒了, 但是她似乎不想承認, 反而不斷的在引誘Chandler跟她上床...
forward, pansies, pajmena, reciprocate,
Monica: You bought a boat?
Jill: Yeah but it wasn’t for me, it was for a friend.
Chandler: Boy did we make friends with the wrong sister! (Rachel glares at
[guest star]
Reese Witherspoon (as Jill Green) James Michael Tyler (as Gunther)
Susan Yeagley (as Woman #1) Cheryl Hines (as Woman #2 [DVD only])
Jeffrey David Brooks (as The Male Patron)
Alexis Arquette (as The Customer [as Lex Arquette])
614 - The One Where Chandler Can't Cry
- Chandler似乎都不會對周遭的事情感動到哭, 這點讓Monica很在意, 不過之後
- Joey發現Phoebe原來是個a片女星, 不過事情發展到最後卻發現原來這個a片女星
- Rachel的妹妹發現Rachel阻撓她跟Ross的約會, 氣的她還故意去引誘Ross..
trilobite, up-and-comer, brat
Monica: You’re jealous of Princess Caroline?
Rachel: Do I have my own castle?
Rachel: Well, it doesn’t sound like it! I mean, it’s pretty easy not
to kiss someone, you just don’t kiss them! See look at us,
right now, not kissing!
[guest star]
Reese Witherspoon (as Jill Green) James Michael Tyler (as Gunther)
Larry Joe Campbell (as The Fan) Douglas Looper (as The Vampire)
615 - The One Where It Could Have Been - Part I
616 - The One Where It Could Have Been - Part II
Plots: (假想六個人可能有的現在)
- Ross跟Carol還住在一起, 但是性生活不美滿, Phoebe教他一些訣竅, 而之後Ross
提出3P的時候, Carol興奮的答應了,後來跟Rachel談過之後才知道她老婆是同性戀..
- Rachel遇到了大明星Joey, 並想要跟他搞一段婚外情, 但是她卻在那天晚上喝酒喝
太多吐了, 回到家後懊悔但卻又發現老公Barry也搞了別的女人...
- Chandler以寫文章維生, 但最近需要借錢, 起先他跟了Joey當他的助理, 但似乎
Joey對他太苛刻, 之後他的文章登上了雜誌, 也跟肥胖的Monica在一起
- Monica是個肥胖的三十歲處女, 她有一個男朋友Roger, 但他是醫生而且喜歡講無聊
的笑話, Monica最後愛上了Chandler
- Phoebe是個煙癮超級重的股票經紀人, 但是她健康不好進了院, 隨即因為損失大筆錢
被炒魷魚, 最後因為心臟病發而退出職場
(Ending of 615: 肥胖的Monica跳舞)
(Ending of 616: Phoebe 在心臟病發後在咖啡廳唱著失去工作的心聲)
have a knack for, low-key, hazelnut, masquerade, dry spell, menage a trois,
winch, mayonnaise, jalopy, butler, parasite, aphrodisiac, cous-cous,
communicable, gall bladder, squat, ruptured spleen
Phoebe: Because at that time you see, I thought everything that rhymed was
true. So I thought y’know that if I’d work with stocks, I’d have
to live in a box, and only eat lox, and have a pet fox.
Monica: (panicked) Oh wait! You didn’t just sit on my Kit-Kats did you?!!
Phoebe: No! There-there was a little, a little diff in the market and I
lost 13 million dollars.
Chandler: But the Kit-Kats are all right?!
Monica: Phoebe, why is smoke coming out of the bathroom?!
Phoebe: Oh yeah, the doctor said that could be one of the side effects.
Monica: But, I put some honey in it.
(Phoebe mocks what Monica just said. Ross pulls Chandler aside.)
Chandler: Well, I could make it seem like he’s here. (Imitates him.)
"Here’s some little known facts about cous-cous. They didn't
add the second cous until 1979." (Mumbles something further.)
Monica: Stop it!! That's not funny!!
[guest star]
Kristian Alfonso (as Hope) Kevin Spirtas (as Dr. Wesley)
Jane Sibbett (as Carol) Pat Finn (as Dr. Roger) James Michael Tyler (as
Gunther) Cole Sprouse (as Ben) Cacey Riggan
(as The Nurse)
Jane Sibbett (as Carol) Jessica Hecht (as Susan)
Mitchell Whitfield (as Barry) Paul Gleason (as Jack)
Pat Finn (as Dr. Roger) Larry Cox (as Arthur) Lisa Calderon (as the Woman)
617 - The One With The Unagi
- Rachel跟Phoebe去學習女子防身術, 但是Ross認為只會攻擊是沒有用的, 還必須要
有一種叫做Unagi的東西, 才可以知道敵人的存在, 但是她們兩個不相信, 他只好
- Chandler和Monica約定情人節要送彼此自己做的禮物, 但是Chandler沒做, 而且拿了
以前Janice送給他的混音帶濫竽充數, 而 Monica也拿了Phoebe編織的襪子來搪塞..
- Joey最近缺錢用, 於是他去醫院看有沒有醫學實驗可以參加, 但是捐精的活動已經
結束了, 他就隨便找了一個人要參加雙胞胎的醫學實驗...
paper mache, gibberish, eligible
Phoebe: You mean in case someone is trying to steal your bamboo sleeping
mat or your kettle of fish?
Rachel: (To Phoebe) Ooh! Y’know what? If we made reservations, we could
have unagi in about a half-hour.
[guest star]
Louis Mandylor (as Carl) James Michael Tyler (as Gunther)
Jill Matson (as The Receptionist) Ron Recasner (as The Doctor)
Mongo Brownlee (as The Instructor)
Maggie Wheeler (as Janice [uncredited voice only])
618 - The One Where Ross Dates a Student (++)
- 有學生在學校的評鑑表裡寫說她很喜歡Ross, 而後來該名學生主動表明態度之後,
Ross就開始跟她約會了, 但是跟學生約會是學校明文禁止的, 但是他們決定..
- Phoebe的公寓不知道為何起火, 但後來消防隊查出火災起因是因為蠟燭, 於是
Phoebe坦承是她的錯而住進Joey的公寓, 而Rachel則住到Monica的客房裡, 但是後來卻
發現消防隊搞錯了, 於是她們又換了過去..
- Joey想要參加一個試鏡, 而這部電影的編劇正巧是Chandler以前的大學同學, 於是Joey
frowned upon, immaculate, kindling, hot plate
* Rachel在Joey家吃義大利麵亂丟那景很好笑
* 丟濕紙巾那景也是
[guest star]
Alexandra Holden (as Elizabeth) Bess Meyer (as Dana)
Richard Roat (as Burt) Greg Wrangler (as Fireman #1)
David Warshofsky (as Fireman #2) Louisa Abernathy (as Lydia) David Moreland
(as Mel)
619 - The One With Joey's Fridge
- Joey的冰箱壞掉了, 但是他沒錢買新的, 他到處在找人幫他出新冰箱的錢
- Rachel要去參加她老闆的一個舞會, 但是她沒有舞伴, 於是Phoebe和Chandler夫妻
- Ross跟Elithebath繼續約會, 但是他們很小心, 但是她突然告訴Ross她要去度春假
幾天, Ross該怎麼辦呢...
molecular epidemiology , chin dimple, deem, blind sided, Extract (精華),
Phoebe: Have you seen your guy’s body?
Chandler: No, our guy is just a floating head.
Monica: Well, spring vacation is doing nice things with your grandparents.
Spring break you’re doing frat guys.
[guest star]
Alexandra Holden (as Elizabeth) Scott Paetty (as Sebastian)
Chris Kennedy (as Patrick) Joshua Cox (as Eldad)
Jim Bentley (as Professor Friesell) Hunter Cochran (as Guy #1)
620 - The One With Mac And Cheese
- Joey想要參加Mac&Cheese的演出, 於是他參加試鏡, 但是前一天有電話通知改時間,
而Chandler不小心忘了把這個消息告訴Joey, 害他沒有辦法參加..
- 一連串的回憶, Joey的演出, 大家在工作上遇到的困難, Chander犯的錯, Joey犯的錯
, 大家吵架又合好, Chandler和Joey擁抱的畫面
* Opening: Joey和Phoebe在練習台詞,但是Phoebe好像太入戲了..
* Ending: Ross也加入練習的一角,不過其他兩個都認為他演的不怎麼好
Humanoid, maul, hold sb back (拖延某事使某人不願意再做)
Joey: All right well, I’m outta here. Wish me luck.
Phoebe: (overacting with a song this time) (singing) Gooood luck!
Gooood luck! We all wish you good luuuuuuuuck!!!
Joey: Yeah, whatever. (Exits.)
Ross: It’s your turn.
Chandler: Oh, are we playing this?!
[guest star]
621 - The One Where Ross Meets Elithbath's Dad
- Ross和Elithbath的爸爸見面, 而他希望可以留給他一個好的印象, 於是他叫大家
- Joey擔綱Mac&Cheese的主角, 但是做機器人的那個人不喜歡Joey, 而導演決定開除他,
直到那個人看到Joey很會搭訕, 他想要請Joey教他幾招, 他就讓Joey回去當主角
- Phoebe開始寫書, 而她的主題竟然是Chandler和Monica吵架的情節...
lover's spat, sidekick, hold the phone, pitfall, level with, mini-fridge,
Phoebe: Yeah, it’s about relationships. Y’know? The traps, the pitfalls,
what not to do, keep going. This stuff is great!
Monica: What?! Excuse me!
Phoebe: And how none of it matters when the people really love each other.
(Chandler and Monica kiss.) And how people will believe anything you
tell them as long as it's a compliment.
[guest star]
Bruce Willis (as Paul) Alexandra Holden (as Elizabeth)
June Gable (as Estelle Leonard) Andrew Bilgore (as Wayne)
Brad Koepenick (as The Producer)
622 - The One Where Paul's The Man
- Phoebe拿到參觀博物館的三張票, 於是她跟Rachel和Monica三個人去了, 在那邊的
時候她們看到有人正要準備婚禮, 她們看覺得地方也不錯, 就先預約了婚禮, 而剛
好博物館打電話通知婚禮的事情, 給Chandler知道了, 他簡直嚇壞了, 不過事情竟
- Joey一直想要把他的照片掛在名人牆上, 但是那一間洗衣店的老闆認為他拍的片汙
辱到俄國人, 死就是不給他掛..
- Elithbath帶Ross回到他們鄉下的別墅去, 結果不巧遇到了Paul帶著Rachel來, Ross
intersperse, (whisper) sweet nothings,
Gunther: Do you still work here?
Joey: No! No, I quit a long time ago. (Pause) Did I forget to you that one?
I’m sorry.
[guest star]
Bruce Willis (as Paul) Alexandra Holden (as Elizabeth)
Merrin Dungey (as The Museum Official) Ilia Volok (as The Dry Cleaner)
James Michael Tyler (as Gunther) Susie Park (as The Dry Cleaner's Wife)
623 - The One With The Ring
- Chandler要跟MOnica求婚了, 他叫Phoebe去幫他挑戒指, 但是他卻忘了帶錢,
而當他回去跟Joey拿他的信用卡的時候, Phoebe沒把他的戒指看好而被別人買走了,
- Paul平常話太少, 讓Rachel覺得她都不認識他, 於是她鼓勵Paul多講一點他的童年
往事, 但是這話題一開, 竟惹的Paul哭個不停
- Joey跟Ross聽Phoebe說Chandler生他們的氣, 而後來找他去看球賽也不去, 開始
brochure 小冊子
blow sb. off 不搭理...誰
puberty 青春期
tiara 冕狀頭飾
mooch sth off sb 向某人楷油
clingy 依賴性強的
surefire 表示一定會成功的
tad 一點點 (a tad)
gumball 口香糖
*it's water under the bridge
be (all) water under the bridge
informal used to say that what happened in the past should be forgotten
- Chandler帶Phoebe去買戒指的那一段都很好笑,Phoebe跟店員(?)對話和試穿也都
超爆笑的,然後去找買戒指的人的時候,Phoebe裝病時也講了一堆白痴話 XD
[guest star]
Bruce Willis (as Paul) Oliver Muirhead (as The Jeweler)
Brian Dunkleman (as The Customer) Janet S. Blake (as Jeweler #2)
624-625 - The One With The Proposal
- Chandler要跟Monica求婚了, 但是要求婚的那天晚上他竟然遇到Richard, 而之後
大家怪異的行為讓他害怕Monica會知道他在搞什麼鬼, 於是他故意裝做他根本不可能
想結婚, 而這麼做讓Monica覺得很沮喪, 於是她跑去找Richard...
- Phoebe跟Rachel對於Chandler要訂婚的事情都感到十分的忌妒, 但另一方面他又害怕
當她們老的時候會沒有人要, 於是她們都先找了備胎, 但是Phoebe這傢伙竟然貪心的
- Rachel帶 Joey和Phoebe去一個慈善晚會,結果Joey在晚會上買了一艘船,Phoebe則是
silent auction, Shrimp toast, Kamikaze, whooping, weigh out sth against sth,
manicurist, keep tabs on, branch out, mantrap, rash,
Chandler: Who walks into a room and asks to see a person’s hands?!
Phoebe: Well, a palm reader, a manicurist, a hand doctor…
Joey: Glove salesman!
Phoebe: Good one! Yeah.
Joey: Yeah! Yeah, I’ve been trying to find ya to tell to stop messing with
her and maybe I would have if these (lifts a leg) damn boat shoes
wouldn't keep flying off!
[guest star]
Tom Selleck (as Richard) Alexandra Holden (as Elizabeth)
Steve Hytner (as Mr. Thompson) John Apicella (as Mr. Bowmont)
Natasha Pearce (as Zoe) Tori McPetrie (as Sarah)
Anil Raan (as The First Dorm Guy) Jacqueline Schultz (as Lisa)
Tony Nichols (as The Maitre'd) Steven Harad (as Emil Alexander)
Hunter Cochran (as The Second Dorm Guy)
Tom Selleck (as Richard) Alexandra Margulies (as The Waitress)
But in real life, you're not properly lit
and there's no soundtrack. --Jack
- Rachel跟Ross在維加斯喝醉酒並結了婚, 當他們酒醒之後知道這件事情十分
的驚訝, Rachel不停的要Ross取消這次的婚禮, 但是Ross最後並沒有這麼做..
- Chandler和 Monica看到Ross跟Rachel結婚之後, 一下子被嚇醒了, 他們開始
覺得現在談結婚是不是還太早..不過最後, Chandler決定搬過去跟Monica一起住
- Joey必須把Phoebe的車子開回去, 但是他不想一個人, 於是他邀了Phoebe,
但是Phoebe覺得太無趣要Joey跟他在車上玩遊戲, 但是Joey在車上不停的睡覺,
mimosa, unlikely, clear-cut, christen,
the ball's in sb's court
Monica: What are you talking about? If you get married in Vegas you're
married everywhere.
Phoebe: (shocked) Really?!
Monica: Yeah!
Phoebe: Oh my God!—Eh! Well…
Monica: Oh hi! Hi! Y’know, we were just talking about bacon.
Phoebe: No, we were talking about tennis. Tennis is more believable.
Phoebe: Yes you do! This is your third divorce! You love divorce so much
you’re probably gonna marry it! Then it won't work out and you're
gonna have to divorce it, divorcing guy. (Pause) I’m so drunk.
[guest star]
Bill Stevenson (as Rick) Nina Mann (as The Attendant)
Rick Pasqualone (as The Croupier)
602 - The One Where Ross Hugs Rachel
- Ross沒去解除婚約, Phoebe對此不高興, 她要Ross趕快去辦,並且說服他離過三次婚
並不代表什麼, 如果他不去辦離婚的話, 就代表他還愛著Rachel
- Monica跟Chandler要住在一起了, 而他們先得告訴Joey和Rachel這件事, Joey很
難過, 但是Rachel這個傢伙似乎還反應不過來, 這使得Monica覺得她們的友誼沒有像
*Opening: Phoebe知道Ross沒去取消婚禮之後, 她為了要跟Ross談這件事情搞了一段很
好笑的劇情,Angelica GO!GO!
*Ending: Phoebe和Joey在談以後結婚的事情
lose sb's nerve
Rachel: Ugh, the worse day! Y’know, you think you’re making progress at
work and then your boss calls you Raquel.
Chandler: Hey listen, for the first four years of my work everybody called
me Sha-la-lap.
Karin: Actually, I’m dating at all anymore. See, I figured out that I was
only dating guys that were like y’know bad for me, so until I work
that out…
Phoebe: (interrupting) Whatever! What about you Meg?
Meg: Well, I don’t care about the divorces either, but I wouldn’t date
him. It’s just that he’s obviously still in love with this Rachel
Ross: What?!
Phoebe: (leaning to him) She said, "He’s obviously still in love with this
Rachel girl." (He glares at her.)
[guest star]
Ron Glass (as Russell) Alex Kapp Horner (as Stephanie)
Tembi Locke (as Karin) Janelle Paradee (as Meg)
603 - The One With Ross's Denial
- Phoebe還是認為Ross愛著Rachel, 雖然Ross不承認, 但是他想要讓Rachel搬進
- 因為Chandler就要搬過去了, 於是Joey開始找新室友, 不過他的條件還真的蠻奇怪的..
- Monica和Chandler為了Rachel搬出去後的那一間空房要作何用途開始起了爭執..
(Ending:Joey's testing about personality on the sublet applicant)
mahogany sleigh bed, roll top desk, hat rack (掛帽子的架), swamped,
ambiance, blurt
Phoebe: Yeah, not in your case Lovey Loverson. (Tries to take a bite out
of Ross’s cookie.)
Phoebe: Okay, I didn't understand that, but y'know, maybe that's 'cause
you were speaking the secret language of love!
Monica: Love is the best medicine.
Chandler: That’s laughter.
Monica: Why do you do it?
Chandler: I don’t know.
Phoebe: (singing) I found you in my bed!
How’d you whined up there?
You are a mystery!
Little black curly hair!
Little black curly hair!
Little black, little black, little black, little black,
little black curly hair
Phoebe: Now if you want to receive e-mails about my upcoming shows, then
please give me money so I can buy a computer.
[guest star]
ames Michael Tyler (as Gunther) Brooke Boisse (as The Potential Roommate)
604 - The One Where Joey Loses His Insurance
- Ross在大學裡拿到一堂新課, 但是他對這堂新課很緊張, 又怕自己會上的很無趣,
- Joey因為工作的問題而使得他的醫療保險被取消了, 而不巧他現在又得到疝氣..
為了不花大錢他又不看醫生, 他只好抱病去試鏡..
- Phoebe的通靈師說她可能快死了, 不過她似乎不怎麼擔心這件事情, 但是到最後
* Ending: 慶祝Joey身體康復的方式,痛打他一頓
* Rachel和Monica打電話去Ross的答錄機留言取笑他
guest lecture (客座講師), residual check, mouth (v), lift weights (舉重),
hernia, igneous, consternation, cruller, carbon dating analysis
Ross: Oh…my…God! I-I see what this is! You are in love with Rachel!
Ross: I-I-I don’t even know why I bother to talk to you guys about it.
Y’know what? I’m just gonna do it on my own with no naked chicks.
Chandler: That’s the way I did it ‘til I was 19.
Rachel: Okay! (Picks up the phone and starts dialing.) (In an Irish accent)
"Hello Ross, this is Dr. McNeeley from the Fake Accent University,
we’d like you to come on board with us full time! (Hangs up.)
[guest star]
June Gable (as Estelle Leonard) Ron Glass (as Russell)
Christopher Darga (as The Director) Kim Harris (as Casting Director #1)
Joe Everett Michaels (as Casting Director #2) Rick Fitts (as The Professor)
Ian Meltzer (as Alex) Michael Naughton (as The Student)
Matt Bellner (as The Crew Member)
605 - The One With Joey's Porsche
- Joey在咖啡廳發現一台保時捷的鑰匙, 當他去找這台車的時候他發現很多人都會
主動對他關心, 於是他開始覺得這台車是他的, 還替他打蠟洗車等等, 直到真正
- Rachel對於Ross沒去取消婚禮的事情大為光火, 於是他們兩個一起去了律師的辦
- Frank跟Alice託Phoebe照顧他們的三胞胎, 但是她一個人照顧不來, 於是他找了
Chandler跟Monica幫忙, 但是後來 Chandler 因為不小心吃下玩具而被Monica拖
去看急診, 結果回來之後家裡被Phoebe搞的天翻地覆...
iffy, zone defense (區域聯防), equity investment, polishing compound,
intravenous, on sb (誰請客), Porsche
Phoebe: Umm, she said she’d be back December 26th.
Rachel: December 26th, huh maybe she’s Santa Clause.
(Phoebe laughs, then stops to think about it. Ross enters.)
Joey: Of course! Only an idiot would wear this stuff if you didn't have
the car! Right?
Chandler: That is true.
Phoebe: Yeah, but only a genius would swallow a sonic blaster gun.
Ross: The judge wouldn’t let us get an annulment! Now we gotta get a
divorce!! Did a Porsch throw up on you? (Walks on.)
[guest star]
Conchata Ferrell (as Judge) James Michael Tyler (as Gunther)
Kevin Ruf (as The Porsche Owner) Charity Nicole James (as The Woman)
Shane Nickerson (as Guy #1) Dennis Singletary (as Guy #2)
Steve Pierce (as The Passerby)
606 - The One On The Last Night (++++)
- 最後一個晚上, Chandler要搬走了, 但是他很擔心Joey以後會不能夠負擔生活上
的費用, 因此他千方百計的要設法給Joey一些錢..
- Rachel遲遲沒有把她的家當裝好, 而Phoebe又不小心挑起她們兩個吵架, 搞到最
後Monica跟Rachel竟然越吵越兇, 結果Rachel只得說她不搬了, 不過最後Phoebe
Ending: Chandler要把Ross拿走的錢騙回來 (這真是太機車了)
Chandler: Okay, here is the phone bill. (Hands it to Joey.)
Joey: (looking at it) Oh my God!!
Chandler: That’s our phone number.
Phoebe: You guys, we said we were gonna have fun! Come on, hey, remember
the time… (She starts laughing hysterically.) You don’t remember?
Rachel: You know what else I’m not gonna miss? "I’m Monica. I wash the
toilet 17 times a day. Even if people are on it!"
Chandler: Okay! Now I assume the Saucer card came up when you played last.
Ross: No.
Chandler: Hmm, let’s see if it comes up this time. (He looks at his cards
and shrugs.)
[guest star]
607 - The One Where Phoebe Runs
- Chandler想要給Monica一個驚喜, 於是他重新整理了公寓, 但是Ross卻告訴他如果
不把東西都精確的擺回原位的話, Monica可是會抓狂的...
- Rachel跟Phoebe去跑步, 但是Phoebe跑步的姿勢卻是出奇的爆笑, 這使得Rachel覺得
很尷尬, 於是她就藉故不跟她跑了. 不過這件事被Phoebe抓包, 她十分不諒解..
- Joey找到了一個新室友, 而且還是個辣妹, 但是大家卻警告他不可以跟這個辣妹搞到
一塊, 因為如果是這樣的話以後可能就會很尷尬了, 於是Joey請教了Ross跟Chandler
Opening: Rachel和Phoebe一起錄電話答錄機。
Ending: Ross在和Janine說他的機器人故事
Chandler: Yes, but the coffee table doesn't match the...
Ross: Hey, I've been married 3 times
(Chandler gives him a round of mock applause.)
[guest star]
Elle MacPherson (as Janine)
608 - The One With Ross's Teeth
- Ross又開始約會了, 而且他還為了這次約會特地去漂白牙齒, 不過大家都說這看起來
太嚇人了, 害Ross約會的時候都不敢開口說話, 但是最後, 卻因為螢光而使他的牙齒
- Phoebe去Rachel的公司借影印機, 但是卻跟一個自稱為該公司老闆的複印員搞上了,
Rachel大嘴巴的把這件事情跟她的上司講, 卻搞出一堆誤會, 不過最後這件事情還是
- Joey的新室友Janine開始在他們的公寓裡擺一些女性化的東西, 而Joey也慢慢的被感
染了, 直到Chandler提醒他要做些有男子氣概的事情之後, 他才開始跟Janine討論這
post-apoplectic, dust ruffle, curling iron, spring line (業務報表上的),
hacky, pantyhose, sachet, hammer up some drywal, frying pan, bird feeder,
groovy, black light (螢光),
Phoebe: Hello. Oh good. Ross could you put up some of these flyers for me?
(He smiles at her.) OH!! Demon!! Demon!!
[Scene: Ross’s apartment, Chandler enters. Ross is putting on makeup.]
Chandler: Hey Ross, I was wondering if… Oh my God!! Where are all the men???
[guest star]
Joanna Gleason (as Kim) Ralph Lauren (as Himself)
Elle MacPherson (as Janine) Missi Pyle (as Hilary)
609 - The One Where Ross Got High (++++)
Plots: (another story on Thanksgiving)
- 感恩節到了, Monica邀請他的父母來家裡一起慶祝, 但是因為她還沒跟她們說她跟
Chandler的事情, 而不巧他們對 Chandler好像有壞印象, 一問之下竟然是因為大學
- Joey一直想要去參加他室友的狂歡派對, 但是卻卡在Monica的感恩節聚會裡..
- Rachel試著做點心, 但是她卻不知道食譜的兩頁黏住了, 導致她做了一個奇怪的
牛肉+果凍的點心, 大家為了怕她傷心, 還特地編謊言..
- Phoebe打從Mr.Geller進門後就十分的注意他, 搞出一堆好笑的事情..
burlesque, truffle, ladyfinger, mincemeat,
Ross: (only half-paying attention) Yes, of course they like you!
Chandler: Well Monica just told me that they don’t.
Ross: (not paying attention) Yeah, they don’t like you.
Chandler: (annoyed) Do you know why?
Ross: I dunno, maybe it’s because you’re really sarcastic. Or maybe it's
cause you uh-
Chandler: (angry) Well if people don’t know they shouldn’t just guess!
Monica: Dad, Chandler was just laughing at your joke.
Mr. Geller: My joke wasn’t funny.
[guest star]
Elle MacPherson (as Janine) Elliott Gould (as Jack Geller)
Christina Pickles (as Judy Geller)
610 - The One With The Routine (++++)
- Janie被邀請去上一個慶祝新年的跳舞節目, 她邀請了Joey跟她一起去, 而剛好這個
節目又是Ross跟Monica從小就最愛的節目, 因此Janine也把他們帶去了, Ross跟
Monica一心想著要上電視, 但是無論如何都無法上鏡頭, 最後他們終於拿出了絕招..
- Joey一直想要跟Janine表態, 但是一直都沒有機會, 他後來決定最後倒數的時候他要
親她, 不過..
- Rachel跟Phoebe待在家裡想要找出Monica要送給他們的聖誕禮物
wily minx, bookend (隔書架), snippy, blooper,
Phoebe and Rachel: No, we never do that
(They turn away.)
Chandler: Because that’s where Joey gave me some stuff to store that I've
never seen before in my life! Okay, that did not just happen!
(He does a weird clicky motion with his fingers, that kinda hard
to describe.)
Chandler: Those are book ends! That's a great gift!
Phoebe: Oh, okay, I'm sorry, thank you for my azzz.
Rachel: This bench, it’s hollow! I can’t believe I never knew that!
(She pushes all the pillows off it and opens it up) Oh, the
Phoebe: No, don’t look directly at them!
Chandler: What?
Chandler: That’s what you got me?
Phoebe: Oh yes, I see what you mean. That look is priceless.
[guest star]
Elle MacPherson (as Janine) Patrick Bristow (as The Stage Manager)
Lex Medlin (as The Tall Guy) James Michael Tyler (as Gunther)
Sandra Plazinic (as Dancer on Platform) Sybil Azur (as The Dancing Girl)
611 - The One With The Apothecary Table
- Rachel去買了Pottery Barn的家具回去, 但是Phoebe不喜歡這些大量製造的東西,
於是Rachel千方百計的騙她說這些家具都是她在跳蚤市場買來了, 而且具有相當
- Janine,Joey和Monica, Chandler一起出門, 但是回來之後Janie卻跟Joey抱怨
Chander講太多廢話, Monica太吵, 這使得Chandler跟Monica十分的不服氣...
ceramic, phlegm, hoot, decibel, wicker dining chair, Parker console table,
room separating apparatus
Rachel: Yeah! It’s an apothecary table. Does anyone even know what an
apothecary is?
Chandler: A pharmacist. (Rachel mocks him.) 這句超好笑XD
Rachel: Ross, she's not weird, she just wants her stuff to be one of a kind.
Ross: Huh. Y’know what’s not one of a kind? A twin!
Monica: (from the hallway) I do not like that woman!
Joey: (shouting) I can hear you!
Monica: I am loud!
Chandler: And I'm blah? Listen, the only thing more boring than watching
modern dance is having to listen to you talk about it,
(Imitating her) "Oh Chandler, I just lost myself in the moment."
[guest star]
Elle MacPherson (as Janine)
612 - The One With The Joke (+++)
- Ross和Chandler為了一則笑話的所有權開始爭奪不休..
- 三個女生在看playboy的時候, Monica提出了一個問題, 問說如果要選一個女人當
女朋友的話要選誰, 結果Phoebe說了Rachel, 這使得Monica忿忿不平..
- Joey沒錢付他的帳單, 於是他在咖啡廳打了零工..
hard-hitting, pushover, turnover, flaky, falter, prompt (提詞),
Monica: Okay, I’ve got a question. If you had to pick one of us to date,
who would it be?
Rachel: (thinks) I don’t know.
Monica: Me neither.
Phoebe: Rachel.
Monica: What?!
Phoebe: I don’t know. (Pause) Me neither.
Monica: That’s right. (A noise comes from the living room.) Did you
hear something?
Chandler: Maybe it’s the sound of Ross climbing into my brain and
stealing my thoughts.
Chandler: I think it’s great that you work here. You’re going to make
a lot of money, and here’s your first tip: Don’t eat yellow
snow. (He laughs, then picks up a pen, glares t Ross, and writes
in his journal). Ah ha ha, 2:15, coffeehouse.
Rachel : Gunther, I want you to give Joey his job back. That is really not
fair that you have to fire him…
Gunther: Okay.
[guest star]
James Michael Tyler (as Gunther) J.D. Lewis (as The Customer)
Joeanna Sayler (as The Woman at the Table) Matthew Mullany (as The Patron)
Alex Boling (as The Latte Guy [DVD only])
613 - The One With Rachel's Sister
- Rachel的妹妹Jill因為亂買東西被她爸爸趕了出來, 於是她來投靠Rachel, Rachel要
讓她勤儉一點, 而最後Ross竟然跟她搞上了
- Joey一直在咖啡廳裡送免費的食物給辣妹, 這使得Gunther十分的不高興..
- Monica感冒了, 但是她似乎不想承認, 反而不斷的在引誘Chandler跟她上床...
forward, pansies, pajmena, reciprocate,
Monica: You bought a boat?
Jill: Yeah but it wasn’t for me, it was for a friend.
Chandler: Boy did we make friends with the wrong sister! (Rachel glares at
[guest star]
Reese Witherspoon (as Jill Green) James Michael Tyler (as Gunther)
Susan Yeagley (as Woman #1) Cheryl Hines (as Woman #2 [DVD only])
Jeffrey David Brooks (as The Male Patron)
Alexis Arquette (as The Customer [as Lex Arquette])
614 - The One Where Chandler Can't Cry
- Chandler似乎都不會對周遭的事情感動到哭, 這點讓Monica很在意, 不過之後
- Joey發現Phoebe原來是個a片女星, 不過事情發展到最後卻發現原來這個a片女星
- Rachel的妹妹發現Rachel阻撓她跟Ross的約會, 氣的她還故意去引誘Ross..
trilobite, up-and-comer, brat
Monica: You’re jealous of Princess Caroline?
Rachel: Do I have my own castle?
Rachel: Well, it doesn’t sound like it! I mean, it’s pretty easy not
to kiss someone, you just don’t kiss them! See look at us,
right now, not kissing!
[guest star]
Reese Witherspoon (as Jill Green) James Michael Tyler (as Gunther)
Larry Joe Campbell (as The Fan) Douglas Looper (as The Vampire)
615 - The One Where It Could Have Been - Part I
616 - The One Where It Could Have Been - Part II
Plots: (假想六個人可能有的現在)
- Ross跟Carol還住在一起, 但是性生活不美滿, Phoebe教他一些訣竅, 而之後Ross
提出3P的時候, Carol興奮的答應了,後來跟Rachel談過之後才知道她老婆是同性戀..
- Rachel遇到了大明星Joey, 並想要跟他搞一段婚外情, 但是她卻在那天晚上喝酒喝
太多吐了, 回到家後懊悔但卻又發現老公Barry也搞了別的女人...
- Chandler以寫文章維生, 但最近需要借錢, 起先他跟了Joey當他的助理, 但似乎
Joey對他太苛刻, 之後他的文章登上了雜誌, 也跟肥胖的Monica在一起
- Monica是個肥胖的三十歲處女, 她有一個男朋友Roger, 但他是醫生而且喜歡講無聊
的笑話, Monica最後愛上了Chandler
- Phoebe是個煙癮超級重的股票經紀人, 但是她健康不好進了院, 隨即因為損失大筆錢
被炒魷魚, 最後因為心臟病發而退出職場
(Ending of 615: 肥胖的Monica跳舞)
(Ending of 616: Phoebe 在心臟病發後在咖啡廳唱著失去工作的心聲)
have a knack for, low-key, hazelnut, masquerade, dry spell, menage a trois,
winch, mayonnaise, jalopy, butler, parasite, aphrodisiac, cous-cous,
communicable, gall bladder, squat, ruptured spleen
Phoebe: Because at that time you see, I thought everything that rhymed was
true. So I thought y’know that if I’d work with stocks, I’d have
to live in a box, and only eat lox, and have a pet fox.
Monica: (panicked) Oh wait! You didn’t just sit on my Kit-Kats did you?!!
Phoebe: No! There-there was a little, a little diff in the market and I
lost 13 million dollars.
Chandler: But the Kit-Kats are all right?!
Monica: Phoebe, why is smoke coming out of the bathroom?!
Phoebe: Oh yeah, the doctor said that could be one of the side effects.
Monica: But, I put some honey in it.
(Phoebe mocks what Monica just said. Ross pulls Chandler aside.)
Chandler: Well, I could make it seem like he’s here. (Imitates him.)
"Here’s some little known facts about cous-cous. They didn't
add the second cous until 1979." (Mumbles something further.)
Monica: Stop it!! That's not funny!!
[guest star]
Kristian Alfonso (as Hope) Kevin Spirtas (as Dr. Wesley)
Jane Sibbett (as Carol) Pat Finn (as Dr. Roger) James Michael Tyler (as
Gunther) Cole Sprouse (as Ben) Cacey Riggan
(as The Nurse)
Jane Sibbett (as Carol) Jessica Hecht (as Susan)
Mitchell Whitfield (as Barry) Paul Gleason (as Jack)
Pat Finn (as Dr. Roger) Larry Cox (as Arthur) Lisa Calderon (as the Woman)
617 - The One With The Unagi
- Rachel跟Phoebe去學習女子防身術, 但是Ross認為只會攻擊是沒有用的, 還必須要
有一種叫做Unagi的東西, 才可以知道敵人的存在, 但是她們兩個不相信, 他只好
- Chandler和Monica約定情人節要送彼此自己做的禮物, 但是Chandler沒做, 而且拿了
以前Janice送給他的混音帶濫竽充數, 而 Monica也拿了Phoebe編織的襪子來搪塞..
- Joey最近缺錢用, 於是他去醫院看有沒有醫學實驗可以參加, 但是捐精的活動已經
結束了, 他就隨便找了一個人要參加雙胞胎的醫學實驗...
paper mache, gibberish, eligible
Phoebe: You mean in case someone is trying to steal your bamboo sleeping
mat or your kettle of fish?
Rachel: (To Phoebe) Ooh! Y’know what? If we made reservations, we could
have unagi in about a half-hour.
[guest star]
Louis Mandylor (as Carl) James Michael Tyler (as Gunther)
Jill Matson (as The Receptionist) Ron Recasner (as The Doctor)
Mongo Brownlee (as The Instructor)
Maggie Wheeler (as Janice [uncredited voice only])
618 - The One Where Ross Dates a Student (++)
- 有學生在學校的評鑑表裡寫說她很喜歡Ross, 而後來該名學生主動表明態度之後,
Ross就開始跟她約會了, 但是跟學生約會是學校明文禁止的, 但是他們決定..
- Phoebe的公寓不知道為何起火, 但後來消防隊查出火災起因是因為蠟燭, 於是
Phoebe坦承是她的錯而住進Joey的公寓, 而Rachel則住到Monica的客房裡, 但是後來卻
發現消防隊搞錯了, 於是她們又換了過去..
- Joey想要參加一個試鏡, 而這部電影的編劇正巧是Chandler以前的大學同學, 於是Joey
frowned upon, immaculate, kindling, hot plate
* Rachel在Joey家吃義大利麵亂丟那景很好笑
* 丟濕紙巾那景也是
[guest star]
Alexandra Holden (as Elizabeth) Bess Meyer (as Dana)
Richard Roat (as Burt) Greg Wrangler (as Fireman #1)
David Warshofsky (as Fireman #2) Louisa Abernathy (as Lydia) David Moreland
(as Mel)
619 - The One With Joey's Fridge
- Joey的冰箱壞掉了, 但是他沒錢買新的, 他到處在找人幫他出新冰箱的錢
- Rachel要去參加她老闆的一個舞會, 但是她沒有舞伴, 於是Phoebe和Chandler夫妻
- Ross跟Elithebath繼續約會, 但是他們很小心, 但是她突然告訴Ross她要去度春假
幾天, Ross該怎麼辦呢...
molecular epidemiology , chin dimple, deem, blind sided, Extract (精華),
Phoebe: Have you seen your guy’s body?
Chandler: No, our guy is just a floating head.
Monica: Well, spring vacation is doing nice things with your grandparents.
Spring break you’re doing frat guys.
[guest star]
Alexandra Holden (as Elizabeth) Scott Paetty (as Sebastian)
Chris Kennedy (as Patrick) Joshua Cox (as Eldad)
Jim Bentley (as Professor Friesell) Hunter Cochran (as Guy #1)
620 - The One With Mac And Cheese
- Joey想要參加Mac&Cheese的演出, 於是他參加試鏡, 但是前一天有電話通知改時間,
而Chandler不小心忘了把這個消息告訴Joey, 害他沒有辦法參加..
- 一連串的回憶, Joey的演出, 大家在工作上遇到的困難, Chander犯的錯, Joey犯的錯
, 大家吵架又合好, Chandler和Joey擁抱的畫面
* Opening: Joey和Phoebe在練習台詞,但是Phoebe好像太入戲了..
* Ending: Ross也加入練習的一角,不過其他兩個都認為他演的不怎麼好
Humanoid, maul, hold sb back (拖延某事使某人不願意再做)
Joey: All right well, I’m outta here. Wish me luck.
Phoebe: (overacting with a song this time) (singing) Gooood luck!
Gooood luck! We all wish you good luuuuuuuuck!!!
Joey: Yeah, whatever. (Exits.)
Ross: It’s your turn.
Chandler: Oh, are we playing this?!
[guest star]
621 - The One Where Ross Meets Elithbath's Dad
- Ross和Elithbath的爸爸見面, 而他希望可以留給他一個好的印象, 於是他叫大家
- Joey擔綱Mac&Cheese的主角, 但是做機器人的那個人不喜歡Joey, 而導演決定開除他,
直到那個人看到Joey很會搭訕, 他想要請Joey教他幾招, 他就讓Joey回去當主角
- Phoebe開始寫書, 而她的主題竟然是Chandler和Monica吵架的情節...
lover's spat, sidekick, hold the phone, pitfall, level with, mini-fridge,
Phoebe: Yeah, it’s about relationships. Y’know? The traps, the pitfalls,
what not to do, keep going. This stuff is great!
Monica: What?! Excuse me!
Phoebe: And how none of it matters when the people really love each other.
(Chandler and Monica kiss.) And how people will believe anything you
tell them as long as it's a compliment.
[guest star]
Bruce Willis (as Paul) Alexandra Holden (as Elizabeth)
June Gable (as Estelle Leonard) Andrew Bilgore (as Wayne)
Brad Koepenick (as The Producer)
622 - The One Where Paul's The Man
- Phoebe拿到參觀博物館的三張票, 於是她跟Rachel和Monica三個人去了, 在那邊的
時候她們看到有人正要準備婚禮, 她們看覺得地方也不錯, 就先預約了婚禮, 而剛
好博物館打電話通知婚禮的事情, 給Chandler知道了, 他簡直嚇壞了, 不過事情竟
- Joey一直想要把他的照片掛在名人牆上, 但是那一間洗衣店的老闆認為他拍的片汙
辱到俄國人, 死就是不給他掛..
- Elithbath帶Ross回到他們鄉下的別墅去, 結果不巧遇到了Paul帶著Rachel來, Ross
intersperse, (whisper) sweet nothings,
Gunther: Do you still work here?
Joey: No! No, I quit a long time ago. (Pause) Did I forget to you that one?
I’m sorry.
[guest star]
Bruce Willis (as Paul) Alexandra Holden (as Elizabeth)
Merrin Dungey (as The Museum Official) Ilia Volok (as The Dry Cleaner)
James Michael Tyler (as Gunther) Susie Park (as The Dry Cleaner's Wife)
623 - The One With The Ring
- Chandler要跟MOnica求婚了, 他叫Phoebe去幫他挑戒指, 但是他卻忘了帶錢,
而當他回去跟Joey拿他的信用卡的時候, Phoebe沒把他的戒指看好而被別人買走了,
- Paul平常話太少, 讓Rachel覺得她都不認識他, 於是她鼓勵Paul多講一點他的童年
往事, 但是這話題一開, 竟惹的Paul哭個不停
- Joey跟Ross聽Phoebe說Chandler生他們的氣, 而後來找他去看球賽也不去, 開始
brochure 小冊子
blow sb. off 不搭理...誰
puberty 青春期
tiara 冕狀頭飾
mooch sth off sb 向某人楷油
clingy 依賴性強的
surefire 表示一定會成功的
tad 一點點 (a tad)
gumball 口香糖
*it's water under the bridge
be (all) water under the bridge
informal used to say that what happened in the past should be forgotten
- Chandler帶Phoebe去買戒指的那一段都很好笑,Phoebe跟店員(?)對話和試穿也都
超爆笑的,然後去找買戒指的人的時候,Phoebe裝病時也講了一堆白痴話 XD
[guest star]
Bruce Willis (as Paul) Oliver Muirhead (as The Jeweler)
Brian Dunkleman (as The Customer) Janet S. Blake (as Jeweler #2)
624-625 - The One With The Proposal
- Chandler要跟Monica求婚了, 但是要求婚的那天晚上他竟然遇到Richard, 而之後
大家怪異的行為讓他害怕Monica會知道他在搞什麼鬼, 於是他故意裝做他根本不可能
想結婚, 而這麼做讓Monica覺得很沮喪, 於是她跑去找Richard...
- Phoebe跟Rachel對於Chandler要訂婚的事情都感到十分的忌妒, 但另一方面他又害怕
當她們老的時候會沒有人要, 於是她們都先找了備胎, 但是Phoebe這傢伙竟然貪心的
- Rachel帶 Joey和Phoebe去一個慈善晚會,結果Joey在晚會上買了一艘船,Phoebe則是
silent auction, Shrimp toast, Kamikaze, whooping, weigh out sth against sth,
manicurist, keep tabs on, branch out, mantrap, rash,
Chandler: Who walks into a room and asks to see a person’s hands?!
Phoebe: Well, a palm reader, a manicurist, a hand doctor…
Joey: Glove salesman!
Phoebe: Good one! Yeah.
Joey: Yeah! Yeah, I’ve been trying to find ya to tell to stop messing with
her and maybe I would have if these (lifts a leg) damn boat shoes
wouldn't keep flying off!
[guest star]
Tom Selleck (as Richard) Alexandra Holden (as Elizabeth)
Steve Hytner (as Mr. Thompson) John Apicella (as Mr. Bowmont)
Natasha Pearce (as Zoe) Tori McPetrie (as Sarah)
Anil Raan (as The First Dorm Guy) Jacqueline Schultz (as Lisa)
Tony Nichols (as The Maitre'd) Steven Harad (as Emil Alexander)
Hunter Cochran (as The Second Dorm Guy)
Tom Selleck (as Richard) Alexandra Margulies (as The Waitress)
But in real life, you're not properly lit
and there's no soundtrack. --Jack
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