120-part 04 - 六人行

Agnes avatar
By Agnes
at 2013-07-15T23:54

Table of Contents

120 The One With the Evil Orthodontist --PART 4

[Scene: Barry's Office, Barry is preparing his tools alone
as Rachel enters.]

Rachel: Hey. Got a second?

Barry: Sure, sure. Come on... (Mindy enters) ...in...

Mindy: Hello, sweetheart.

Barry: Uh... uh... what're'you... what're'you guys doing here?

Rachel: Uh, we are here to break up with you.

Barry: Both of you?

Mindy: Basically, we think you're a horrible human being,
and bad things should happen to you.

Barry: I'm sorry... I'm sorry, God, I am so sorry, I'm an idiot,
I was weak, I couldn't help myself!
Whatever I did, I only did because I love you so much!

Rachel: Uh- which one of us are you talking to there, Barr?

Barry: ....Mindy. Mindy, of course Mindy, it was always Mindy.

Rachel: Even when we were having sex in that chair?

Barry: (to Mindy) I swear, whatever I was doing,
I was always thinking of you.

Rachel: Please! During that second time
you couldn't have picked her out of a lineup!

Mindy: (to Rachel) You did it twice?

Rachel: Well, the first time didn't really count...
I mean, y'know, 's'Barry.

Mindy: Okay...

Barry: (to Mindy) Sweetheart, just gimme- gimme another chance,
okay, we'll start all over again. We'll go back to Aruba.

Bernice: (over intercom) Dr. Farber, we've got a bit of an emergency here...
Jason Costalano is choking on his retainer.

Barry: Oh God... (Into intercom) I'll be right there, Bernice.
(to Mindy) Look, please, please don't go anywhere, okay?
I'll be, I'll be right back.

(Barry exits)

Rachel: Okay. Okay, we'll be here! Hating you!
Did you see how he was sweating when he walked out of there?
Listen honey, if I'm hogging the ball too much
you just jump right in there and take a couple punches
because I'm telling you, this feels great.

Mindy: Yeah... I'm pretty sure I'm still gonna marry him.

Rachel: What are you talking about?! Mindy, the guy is the devil!
He's Satan in a smock!

Mindy: Look, I know he's not perfect, but the truth is, at the end of the day,
I still really wanna be Mrs. Dr. Barry Farber, D.D.S.

Rachel: Oh God.

Mindy: I hope you can find some way to be happy for me.
And I hope you'll still be my maid of honor...?

Rachel: And I hope Barry doesn't kill you and eat you in Aruba.

[Scene: Monica and Rachel's, Monica and Rachel are there.]

Monica: You okay?

Rachel: Yeah.

Monica: Really?

Rachel: Yeah! Y'know, ever since I ran out on Barry at the wedding,
I have wondered whether I made the right choice. And now I know.

Monica: Aww... (They hug)

(Joey enters and looks on approvingly.)

Joey: Big day.

Closing Credits

[Scene: Central Perk, everyone is there.]

Joey: All right, I'll give you this, Mr. Peanut is a better dresser.
I mean he's got the monocle, he's got the top hat...

Phoebe: You know he's gay?

Ross: I just wanna clarify this: are you outing Mr. Peanut?

Danielle: (entering) Chandler?

Chandler: Danielle! Hi! Uh- everybody, this is Danielle, Danielle, everybody.

All: Hi. Hi.

Chandler: What are you doing here?

Danielle: Well, I've been calling you,
but it turns out I had your number wrong.
And when I finally got the right one from Information,
there was no answer. So I thought I'd just come down here,
and make sure you were okay.

Chandler: ...I'm, I'm okay.

Danielle: Listen uh, maybe we could get together later?

Chandler: That sounds good. I'll call you- or you call me, whatever...

Danielle: You got it.

Chandler: Okay.

Danielle: G'bye, everybody.

All: Bye.

Phoebe: Whoo-hoo!

Monica: Yeah, there you go!

Ross: Second date!

Chandler: ...I dunno.

Rachel: You don't know?!

Chandler: Well, she seems very nice and everything,
but that whole thing about her coming all the way down here,
just to see if I was okay? I mean,... how needy is that?

(They all groan and hit him..)



All Comments

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Megan avatar
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Tristan Cohan avatar
By Tristan Cohan
at 2013-07-15T14:22
前幾天無意中在youtube上看到這段影片 是Chandler和Monica要搭飛機去度蜜月時在機場發生的事 超級好笑,好像又重溫了三分多鐘的六人行 英文蠻簡單的,但我還是加上了中文字幕 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hbUv7zoH3V4 有些地方沒有貼著原文翻 ...

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