121 (花絮) - 六人行

By David
at 2013-08-16T20:12
at 2013-08-16T20:12
Table of Contents
01.When Monica is on the phone with the credit card company,
the antenna on the phone is only partially extended.
However, when she hangs up and goes to put the phone down,
the antenna is fully extended
02.When Monica and Fake Monica are telling Rachel about sneaking into a hotel
in one shot Monica separates the bread and starts to
spread the mayo on it, it then cuts to Fake Monica,
and back to Monica and she separates the bread
and spreads mayo on to it again.
03.Monica tells Rachel that she and fake Monica crashed an embassy party.
There are no embassies in New York City;
embassies are located only the nation's capital, Washington DC.
Instead of an embassy, New York City would either have a consulate
or a legation.
01.In "The One Where the Monkey Gets Away,"
Ross tells Rachel that keeping Marcel is illegal
and if the officials find out, then he will be taken away.
However in this episode Ross takes Marcel to the vets
without a moments thought.
Surely if the monkey was illegally being kept
then he wouldn't take him to a vet's office where he could be exposed.
01.The three casting directors at the end of this episode
are really Kevin Bright, Marta Kauffman, and David Crane.
02.In the dance class, when the real Monica meets the fake Monica,
Monica says to her she's Dutch.
When they're about to dance Fake Monica asks Monica:
"Mag ik deze dans van u?", which is Dutch for, "May I have this dance?".
03.In the scene where Ross has just explained to Joey and Chandler
that he has to give up Marcel, there is a commercial break.
Immediately after the break, the shot shows the three guys
sitting on the sofa in the coffee house.
If you look at the positions that their hands are in,
they are mimicking "See no evil", "Hear no evil", and "Speak no evil".
01.Actor: (Dramatically) Oh, that I were a glove upon that hand,
that I might... touch thy cheek...
Casting Director No. 1: That's fine, thank you.
Casting Director No. 2: Next. (Joey walks onstage)
Joey: Hi, uh, I'll be reading for the role of Mercutio.
Casting Director No. 2: Name?
Joey: Holden McGroin.
In the tag scene Joey is auditioning for the famous play Romeo & Juliet,
written by William Shakespeare.
02.Fake Monica: You know what? I used to be just like you.
Then one day, I saw a movie that changed my life.
Did you ever see Dead Poets Society?
Monica: Uh huh!
Fake Monica: I thought that movie was so incredibly... boring!
I mean, that thing at the end where the kid kills himself
because he can't be in the play?! What was that?
It's like kid, wait a year year, leave home,
do some community theater!
I walked out of there and I thought,
"That's two hours of my life that I'm never getting back."
And that thought scared me more than all the other crap
that I was afraid to do.
Monica: Wow! Then I would definitely not recommend Mrs. Doubtfire!
Dead Poets Society, an Academy Award-winning film
starring Robin Williams, is about professor John Keating
who inspires his students to love life and poetry.
Mrs. Doubtfire, an Academy Award-winning film starring
Robin Williams and Sally Field, is about a father posing
as a female nanny in order to spend more time with his children.
03.Joey: You know there already is a Joseph Stalin?
Joseph Stalin was the leader and dictator of the Communist party
during World War II. His actions to become a superpower
caused the deaths of millions of his own people.
04.Monica: If it wasn't for you, I would never have gotten to sing
"Memories" on the stage at the Winter Garden Theater.
Fake Monica: Well actually, you only got to sing "Memo--".
"Memory" is a song composed by Andrew Lloyd Webber from the musical Cats.
The Winter Garden Theater is a legitimate Broadway theater
located in midtown-Manhattan.
05.Monica: Who's gonna take me to the Big Apple Circus?
Fake Monica: Monica, I started my day by peeing
in front of twenty five other women
and you're worried about who's going to take you
to the Big Apple Circus?
The Big Apple Circus is a circus that is located in New York City.
Opened in 1977, it has become a tourist attraction as well.
06.Fake Monica: Well that's just probably because of your Amish background.
Monica: What?
Fake Monica: You're Pennsylvania Dutch, right?
Monica: Right. Till I bought a blow dryer. Then I was shunned.
The Amish are an Anabaptist Christian denomination in the United States
that are known for their plain dress and limited use
of modern conveniences such as automobiles and electricity.
The Amish separate themselves from mainstream society
for religious reasons.
Most speak a German dialect known as Pennsylvania Dutch.
07.Monica: Only to find out that the Boston Celtics had taken over
the entire sixth floor.
The Boston Celtics are a professional basketball team based in Boston,
08.Chandler: Bye Bye Birdie starring Joseph Stalin.
Joseph Stalin is The Fiddler on the Roof.
Bye Bye Birdie is a Broadway musical satire on American society.
Fiddler on the Roof is a well-known Broadway musical.
The story centers on Tevye, the father of five daughters,
and his attempts to maintain his family and religious traditions.
Both musicals were successfully adapted into films.
09.Chandler: Hey, how about Joey Heatherton?
Joey: Come on, seriously I told you I don't wanna go back to Joey.
Joey Heatherton is an American actress, dancer and singer
who reached the peak of her popularity in the 1960s.
10.Joey: No, still to ethnic. My agent thinks I should have a name
that's more neutral.
Chandler: Joey Switzerland?
Switzerland is a country in western Europe
that maintains a long and strong tradition of
political and military neutrality.
11.Monica: Do I take classes at The New School?
The New School is a university in New York City
located near Greenwich Village.
(World Policy Institute)維持密切合作關係。
12.Rachel: Let's just say my Curious George doll is no longer curious.
Curious George is the main character in a series of children's stories
by Hans Augusto Rey and Margret Rey.
01.When Monica is on the phone with the credit card company,
the antenna on the phone is only partially extended.
However, when she hangs up and goes to put the phone down,
the antenna is fully extended
02.When Monica and Fake Monica are telling Rachel about sneaking into a hotel
in one shot Monica separates the bread and starts to
spread the mayo on it, it then cuts to Fake Monica,
and back to Monica and she separates the bread
and spreads mayo on to it again.
03.Monica tells Rachel that she and fake Monica crashed an embassy party.
There are no embassies in New York City;
embassies are located only the nation's capital, Washington DC.
Instead of an embassy, New York City would either have a consulate
or a legation.
01.In "The One Where the Monkey Gets Away,"
Ross tells Rachel that keeping Marcel is illegal
and if the officials find out, then he will be taken away.
However in this episode Ross takes Marcel to the vets
without a moments thought.
Surely if the monkey was illegally being kept
then he wouldn't take him to a vet's office where he could be exposed.
01.The three casting directors at the end of this episode
are really Kevin Bright, Marta Kauffman, and David Crane.
02.In the dance class, when the real Monica meets the fake Monica,
Monica says to her she's Dutch.
When they're about to dance Fake Monica asks Monica:
"Mag ik deze dans van u?", which is Dutch for, "May I have this dance?".
03.In the scene where Ross has just explained to Joey and Chandler
that he has to give up Marcel, there is a commercial break.
Immediately after the break, the shot shows the three guys
sitting on the sofa in the coffee house.
If you look at the positions that their hands are in,
they are mimicking "See no evil", "Hear no evil", and "Speak no evil".
01.Actor: (Dramatically) Oh, that I were a glove upon that hand,
that I might... touch thy cheek...
Casting Director No. 1: That's fine, thank you.
Casting Director No. 2: Next. (Joey walks onstage)
Joey: Hi, uh, I'll be reading for the role of Mercutio.
Casting Director No. 2: Name?
Joey: Holden McGroin.
In the tag scene Joey is auditioning for the famous play Romeo & Juliet,
written by William Shakespeare.
02.Fake Monica: You know what? I used to be just like you.
Then one day, I saw a movie that changed my life.
Did you ever see Dead Poets Society?
Monica: Uh huh!
Fake Monica: I thought that movie was so incredibly... boring!
I mean, that thing at the end where the kid kills himself
because he can't be in the play?! What was that?
It's like kid, wait a year year, leave home,
do some community theater!
I walked out of there and I thought,
"That's two hours of my life that I'm never getting back."
And that thought scared me more than all the other crap
that I was afraid to do.
Monica: Wow! Then I would definitely not recommend Mrs. Doubtfire!
Dead Poets Society, an Academy Award-winning film
starring Robin Williams, is about professor John Keating
who inspires his students to love life and poetry.
Mrs. Doubtfire, an Academy Award-winning film starring
Robin Williams and Sally Field, is about a father posing
as a female nanny in order to spend more time with his children.
03.Joey: You know there already is a Joseph Stalin?
Joseph Stalin was the leader and dictator of the Communist party
during World War II. His actions to become a superpower
caused the deaths of millions of his own people.
04.Monica: If it wasn't for you, I would never have gotten to sing
"Memories" on the stage at the Winter Garden Theater.
Fake Monica: Well actually, you only got to sing "Memo--".
"Memory" is a song composed by Andrew Lloyd Webber from the musical Cats.
The Winter Garden Theater is a legitimate Broadway theater
located in midtown-Manhattan.
05.Monica: Who's gonna take me to the Big Apple Circus?
Fake Monica: Monica, I started my day by peeing
in front of twenty five other women
and you're worried about who's going to take you
to the Big Apple Circus?
The Big Apple Circus is a circus that is located in New York City.
Opened in 1977, it has become a tourist attraction as well.
06.Fake Monica: Well that's just probably because of your Amish background.
Monica: What?
Fake Monica: You're Pennsylvania Dutch, right?
Monica: Right. Till I bought a blow dryer. Then I was shunned.
The Amish are an Anabaptist Christian denomination in the United States
that are known for their plain dress and limited use
of modern conveniences such as automobiles and electricity.
The Amish separate themselves from mainstream society
for religious reasons.
Most speak a German dialect known as Pennsylvania Dutch.
07.Monica: Only to find out that the Boston Celtics had taken over
the entire sixth floor.
The Boston Celtics are a professional basketball team based in Boston,
08.Chandler: Bye Bye Birdie starring Joseph Stalin.
Joseph Stalin is The Fiddler on the Roof.
Bye Bye Birdie is a Broadway musical satire on American society.
Fiddler on the Roof is a well-known Broadway musical.
The story centers on Tevye, the father of five daughters,
and his attempts to maintain his family and religious traditions.
Both musicals were successfully adapted into films.
09.Chandler: Hey, how about Joey Heatherton?
Joey: Come on, seriously I told you I don't wanna go back to Joey.
Joey Heatherton is an American actress, dancer and singer
who reached the peak of her popularity in the 1960s.
10.Joey: No, still to ethnic. My agent thinks I should have a name
that's more neutral.
Chandler: Joey Switzerland?
Switzerland is a country in western Europe
that maintains a long and strong tradition of
political and military neutrality.
11.Monica: Do I take classes at The New School?
The New School is a university in New York City
located near Greenwich Village.
(World Policy Institute)維持密切合作關係。
12.Rachel: Let's just say my Curious George doll is no longer curious.
Curious George is the main character in a series of children's stories
by Hans Augusto Rey and Margret Rey.
All Comments

By Anonymous
at 2013-08-20T17:56
at 2013-08-20T17:56

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at 2013-08-22T07:47

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