第七季劇情大綱 - 六人行

By Callum
at 2006-04-27T08:37
at 2006-04-27T08:37
Table of Contents
701 - The One With Monica's Thunder (+++)
- Monica訂婚的那一晚Rachel跟Ross接吻了, 而剛好被Monica看見,她覺得Rachel
搶了她今晚的風采, 並生很大的氣
- Joey想要演一個19歲的小孩子, 於是他在衣服上大做打扮; Phoebe想要在Monica
and Chandler的婚禮上演唱, 但是 Monica說什麼就不給她唱..
- Chandler發現他在訂婚之夜竟然不舉; Ross一直在炫耀他的手..
chime in, whack, caricaturist, mimey, pound on sb.
Chandler: Seriously? Seriously, no! You can play your own age which is 31!
Joey: (gasps) I'm 30!
Rachel: Joey, you are not! You're 31.
Joey: (realizes) Aww crap!
[guest star]
702 - The One With Rachel's Book
- Monica和Chandler去跟Monica的父母吃飯,這才知道他們把之前要給她結婚的預備金
都給花光了, 這下子Monica的美麗婚禮就泡湯了, 不過Chandler說他有一些錢,但是
- Phoebe搬過去Ross那邊住, 但是她同時也把她的按摩客人也帶過去了, Ross叫她移到
別的地方去做生意, 但是有一天, 有個美艷的客人來做按摩, 而Ross竟然就謊稱自己
- 因為Joey的鴨子吃了Rachel的面霜而到處拉肚子, 於是Joey跑到Rachel的房間裡去午
睡, 卻意外發現Rachel的一本色情小說, 從此之後他就不斷的在取笑Rachel
square footage, string quartet , trio, centerpiece, cranky, recoil, vicar,
loin, kick back, masseur, diaphragm, rustic, custom-made, empire-waisted,
duchess, satin gown, off the rack, earmark, put sb's foot down, acu-pressure
Chandler: Yes, I am!
Phoebe: Wow, money and a firm hand. Finally a Chandler I can get on board
[guest star]
Elliott Gould (as Jack Geller) Christina Pickles (as Judy Geller)
Suzanne Lanza (as The Woman)
703 - The One With Phoebe's Cookies
- Phoebe要把她奶奶的餅乾秘方送給Monica當作訂婚禮物,但是做法卻被燒掉了...
- Rachel 敎Joey開船,但是Rachel一到船上卻變的脾氣暴躁...
- Ross 的父親邀請Chandler和Ross去打網球,結果Chandler不小心在蒸氣室裡坐到
(Opening: Chandler開始戴起眼鏡,當他詢問眾人時,卻沒人看的出他和以前的差異。)
(Ending: Rachel和Joey在船上吃三明治,但談到三明治,Joey就露出他的本性了)
exasperatedly, come about, nutmeg, barbed wire, luff, cunningham,
broccoli rabe, shuffleboard, in-law
Ross: You're not a lefty?
Chandler: Does anybody know me?!
Monica: No!! Why didn't you make a copy and-and keep it in a fireproof
box and keep it at least a hundred yards from the original?!!
Phoebe: (pauses as he figures out how to answer that) Because I'm normal!
(Chandler looks over and sees Ross glaring at them.)
Chandler: Okay, we owe you a present.
Ross: Two! I've been engaged twice!
Ross: You have to respect the sea! (Storms off.)
[guest star]
Elliott Gould (as Jack Geller)
704 - The One With Rachel's Assistant
- Rachel被升職了,她必須找個助理,但是她的應徵者之中有一個有經驗的人和一個
- Chandler和Monica交換了一個Ross的秘密(在迪士尼嘔吐),但之後事情卻越演越烈..
- Joey原本的戲演的很爛,他還以為很好,剛好這時候他以前的戲要找他演出,他卻
(Opening: 大家在看Joey的節目"Mac and C.H.E.E.S.E.",但是這節目爛透了..大家
*Monica躲在冰箱偷笑,超白癡 (11:40)
head rush, goal-oriented person, hibachi, ground beef smileys,
leg warmers(衛生褲), steer clear,
Monica: Phoebe, do you think that your favorite animal says much about you?
Phoebe: What? You mean behind my back?
(Monica is getting something out of the fridge and starts laughing.)
Rpss: What's so funny?!
Monica: (trying not to laugh) I'm not laughing.
(Ross and Chandler move closer to her and she starts laughing again.)
Ross: (To Chandler) You told her!
Chandler: Nancy Thompson's getting fired! (Monica slaps him on the
[guest star]
Eddie Cahill (as Tag) Michael Kagan (as Terry) Jean St. James (as Hilda)
Cody Tucker (as Kathy) Cynthia Graham (as Nurse #1)
Renee Louise Rogers (as Nurse #2) Eric Rutherford (as Stryker)
705 - The One With Engagement Picture
- Chandler照相的時候笑的很不自然,但是他們需要訂婚照片...於是他們上了相館
- Rachel瘋狂的喜歡上她的助理Tag,於是她千方百計的阻止其他人,最後她還找了
- Phoebe開始跟一個離了婚的男人約會,但他的前妻一直想找他復合,於是Phoebe找上
Ross去調開她...結果Ross跟Phoebe竟然為了這兩個人吵了起來 (超好笑)
* 13.40之後那一段很好笑 (Chandler: I am right here..)
reverse lay-up, granola, antihistamine, reminiscing
Chandler: Someone on the subway licked my neck! Licked my neck!!
Phoebe: Oh Willie's still alive!
[guest star]
Eddie Cahill (as Tag) David Sutcliffe (as Kyle)
Julia Campbell (as Whitney) Caroline Keenan (as Melissa)
Heather Sims (as Emily [DVD only]) Roger Eschbacher (as The Photographer)
706 - The One WIth The Nap Partners
- Monica要挑伴娘,但是她要讓Phoebe跟Rachel自己挑,於是她們兩個開始了一連串
- Ross跟Joey看完Die Hard後兩個人睡在一起,而Joey卻覺得這是他睡過最舒服的
- Chandler以前拋棄了一個女友,理由是因為她太胖,Monica卻堅持他要回去道歉..
cold feet, overdue, garter
Rachel: Hi! I just want to apologize. I'm really sorry I was a baby.
Phoebe: That's ridiculous Rachel, we were all babies once. (Rachel looks
at her.) Oh, you mean today.
[guest star]
Stacy Galina (as Julie)
707 - The One With Ross's Library Book
- Ross的博士論文被出版了還保存在圖書館內,但是許多人卻不斷的在那一區調情,
- Monica在餐廳遇到Janice,結果她只好邀請她來參加婚禮....
- Joey想要跟他的女友分手,但是他卻找了Rachel幫他講...結果Rachel不但沒講還把
decimal, Colonel, corner(V), immunized, hypoallergenic, pooper,
Chandler: Y'know what? It's gonna be okay. Y'know what? She's probably
not gonna even want to come.
Monica: Really?
Chandler: No! That was a lie! See how easy that was?
Phoebe: Joey, she's so cool. She speaks four languages.
Joey: Man, do you know what guys want!
Rachel: Oh Phoebe, we forgot that party we have to go to.
Phoebe: Oh no.
Monica: It's actually going to be just family.
Janice: Oh…wait…you two think of me as family?!
Rachel: Wow. Well, I guess it was Cupid who brought her here.
Phoebe: No, just a regular old flying dwarf.
Janice: Please, it's because otherwise I really don't know what I might do.
Chandler: Aren't you just a tinsy bit curious?
Chandler: No-no-no-no, if we let her stay, she will stay forever!
Monica: Kinda like your barcalounger.
Chandler: Is that what you're thinking about right now?
Monica: I never stop thinking about it.
Monica: I mean, I realize that his feelings may never completely go away,
but you can.
[guest star]
Kristin Davis (as Erin) Maggie Wheeler (as Janice)
Michael D. Roberts (as The Head Librarian) Doug Budin (as The Librarian)
Sarah O'Hare (as The Woman) Alexandra Margulies (as The Waitress)
Andy Brewster (as The Guy in Library) Nicholas Thomas (as The Guy Student)
Jessica A. O'Sullivan (as The Girl Student)
708 - The One Where Chandler Doesn't Like Dogs
- Phoebe偷帶了一隻狗放在Monica家,但是Chandler宣稱他對狗過敏...
- Ross對自己答不出50洲名稱的問題十分困擾...
- Rachel不知道要不要向Teg告白
(Opening : 大家在玩記憶美國五十洲的遊戲)
*Joey的"Moo point" (10.00)
knitting, repulse, gerbil
Phoebe: Oh my god! Where are you? (Looks around.)
Ross: Right, they are scary. (He jumps up, screaming) Ahh, she just ate a
treat out of my hand!!!
Joey: Fine! Take their advice. No one ever listens to me. When the package
is this pretty, no one cares what's inside.
[guest star]
Eddie Cahill (as Tag)
709 - The One With All The Candy
- Monica做了一些糖果,想要跟鄰居分享,結果因為太好吃了,一大堆人搶著要,搞的
- Ross幫Phoebe買了一台腳踏車,但是她卻因為不會騎而把腳踏車擺在一邊,讓Ross
- Rachel跟Tag在辦公室調情,結果不小心差點爆料了...
Opening: 大家在公園看Ben騎車,Phoebe說她以前從來沒騎過腳踏車)
Ending : Phoebe的腳踏車裝了輔助輪..
* 20.35 Joey把別人撞倒
tassel, handle grip, wicker basket, daisy, crime wave, swing by,
beanbag chair, Chinese throwing star (飛標), limerick, pipe down,
Mob mentality, corny, training wheels 輔助輪
Phoebe: No! But she gave me the box that it came in. It had a picture of
the bike on the front. (They're all speechless) So I would sit
on it and my step-dad would drag me around the backyard.
Chandler: Is that why you became a chef? So that people would like you?
Monica: Oh, you really want to talk about getting people to like you huh,
funny man? (Joey laughs but stops when Chandler turns to glare
at him.)
Phoebe: All right. If you care enough to make up that load of crap, okay.
Ross: Great! Great! (He runs to the door.) You're making the bike very happy.
Phoebe: (sarcastically) Okay Ross! (Ross exits and she says quietly to the
bike) Please don't die!
[guest star]
Eddie Cahill (as Tag) Cole Sprouse (as Ben) Amy Hill (as The Woman)
Steve Ireland (as Mr. Zelner) Jonathan Floyd (as Gary)
Ashley L. Clark (as The Man)
710 - The One With the Holiday Armadillo
- Ross在這次的聖誕節要敎他的小孩Ben有關光明節的事情,但是事情似乎不怎麼順利..
- Chandler 和Monica要共度佳節,但是餐廳客滿了,但是要給小費又不怎麼順利.....
- Phoeb要準備讓Rachel搬回來住,但是卻聽到Chandler說 Rachel跟Joey住在一起
betroth, lickerish, burrito, wrecking ball, phial, tarantula, drum-stool,
sconce, porcupine
Phoebe: And maybe I could teach Ben about the Christmas skull and how
people die.
Rachel: You may need to use this year to teach Ben about Phoebe.
Chandler: Because, if Santa and the Holiday…Armadillo? (Ross nods) ...are
ever in the same room for too long the universe will implode.
Merry Christmas!
Rachel: (seeing the collection of characters.) Wow! It looks like the
Easter Bunny's funeral in here.
Phoebe: Okay, I understand why Superman is here, but why is there a porcupine
at the Easter Bunny's funeral?
Easter Bunny's funneral 真的很好笑
[guest star]
Cole Sprouse (as Ben) James Michael Tyler (as Gunther)
Terry Rhoads (as The Maitre'd) Sean Corvelle (as The Salesman)
Barry Wiggins (as The Man)
711 - The One With All The Cheesecake
- Chandler不斷的收到別人寄錯的起司蛋糕,但是因為太好吃了,他捨不得把它拿回去
- Gueller家的親戚要結婚了,但是他們只邀請了Ross而沒有邀請Monica,Monica相當
- Phoebe跟Joey相約去餐廳吃飯,但是Joey第一次卻因故爽約,Phoebe十分生氣,
sweet tooth, conglomerate, wear sb. down, kindling, broad backed, red-eye,
pull a fast one, prime rib, mahi mahi, lobster ravioli, mealy, beaker,
positronic distillation, wrap
Phoebe: Oh, I have dinner plans with Joey. We get together about once a month
to discuss the rest of you guys.
Chandler: (gloatingly and holding his piece) Ohhh!
[guest star]
Hank Azaria (as David) Lela Lee (as The Wedding Guest)
Gina Belafonte (as The Second Guest) Mailon Rivera (as The Waiter)
Darlene Kardon (as Aunt Millie) Robyn Donny (as Frannie)
Joe Coyle (as Stuart) Jim Hanna (as The Man [DVD only])
712 - The One Where They're Up All Night (+++)
- Chandler晚上睡不著覺,把Monica也搞的睡不著,最後反而是Chandler自己睡著,
- Joey跟Ross被鎖在陽台上,最後他們爬防火梯下去,但只通到一半。鬧了半天,Ross
- Phoebe在家裡一個人被滅火警報器的逼逼聲搞的睡不著覺。
- Rachel跟Teg在家裡共度夜晚,卻為了一份文件有沒有送出去而半夜跑到公司去....
(Opening: 大家在屋頂看星星)
flattering, tar, shin, wok, overnight (V), budge, pummel, emanate, puzzler,
gloat, shimmy down
Phoebe: Well, all right. 1700 bags of peanuts flying that high, that's
pretty amazing too.
Ross: It's called the Bapstein-King comet, okay? (Joey starts to groan.)
Hey! Hey! Bapstein was a very well respected astronomer!
Joey: (covering his ears and yelling) Oh no! No! No! (He starts banging
on the door.)
Phoebe: How could you be beeping?! I just disconnected you! I took out your
battery! How can…
Smoke Detector: Beep!
Phoebe: Don't interrupt me!!
Phoebe : What do you want from me?!!!!!!!
[guest star]
Eddie Cahill (as Tag) Jason Winston George (as the Fireman)
713 - The One With Rosita Dies
- Monica跟Ross的父母要把房子賣掉,但是他們倆個還不知道消息,於是他們就回去
- Rachel把Joey的椅子(名為Rosita)弄壞了,他們去買了一張新的椅子,之後卻發生
- Phoebe接不到新的按摩客人,於是Ross介紹她去一間推銷toner的公司作推銷員,之後
toner, trial run, asbestos, light bulb, headrest, guk, recline, spin
Earl: It's just that I uh, have been working for ten years now at this
meaningless, dead-end job and nobody here even knows I exist!
Phoebe: Chandler?
Phoebe: Because it was fate that made me call you today!
Earl: I thought it was toner.
Rachel: Oh yeah, Joey broke it. Had to get rid of it.
Monica: Are you kidding?! I get a Porsche and the barcalounger's gone?!
This is the best day ever! (Runs out.)
[guest star]
ason Alexander (as Earl) Elliott Gould (as Jack Geller)
Joyce Guy (as The Supervisor) Steven Rozic (as The "Hey Guy" Guy)
Wendee Cole (as Marge)
714 - The One Where They All Turn Thirty
- 回憶每個人過三十歲生日的情景..
- Pheobe在三十歲前要做的事情都完成了,但是後來他卻發現他早就不是三十歲了...
- Ross 在他的生日買了一部蠢車,但是這台車卻卡在別人的車子當中怎麼開都開不
- Monica在她的生日宴會上喝醉酒...
hippity-hop, patch up, wedge in, safety pins, liven up, wasted, over the hill
(contrast to "downhill"?),
Joey一直在別人的生日上哭/Mr. Geller的褲子破掉也很蠢
Phoehe: Haul ass!!!! (Runs off.)
Chandler: For my last birthday you gave me a hug!
[guest star]
Elliott Gould (as Jack Geller) Eddie Cahill (as Tag)
Christina Pickles (as Judy Geller) Wayne Sherwood (as The Man in Sportscar)
Vanessa White (as The Woman)
715 - The One WIth Joey's New Brain
- Ross替Monica的婚禮準備了一場「超棒」的音樂饗宴...(蘇格蘭風笛),讓Chandler
- Joey要從他的昏迷角色中甦醒了,並要取代原劇中Jessica的角色,於是Joey請她
- Rachel跟Phoebe在咖啡廳意外撿到一隻手機,而這隻手機是一個帥哥的,她們兩個
Ending: Ross吹風笛大家笑場
spy-type, knocker, ratchet, nacho, shortbread, kilt, short plaid skirt,
knee socks,
Ross: (to Monica and Rachel) It's winter, they are fewer people on the
street. (Rachel and Monica smile and nod, knowingly.)
Monica: What is that?
Chandler: I think it's the dying cat parade.
Monica: Unbelievable! Why is your family Scottish?!
Chandler: Why is your family Ross?!
[guest star]
Susan Sarandon (as Jessica Lockhart) Eva Amurri (as Dina)
Jack Betts (as Tom) Jeff Asch (as The Writer) George Stults (as Fredrick)
716 - The One With The Truth About London
Plots :
- Ross有急事,所以把Ben寄放在Rachel那邊,但是Rachel卻敎了Ben一些小把戲....
- Phoebe頭痛,所以Monica給她一點西藥吃。但是因為她不怎麼相信西藥,所以當
- Monica和Chandler要找個牧師來幫他們證婚,於是Joey自告奮勇要幫忙,但是他寫的
祝福辭實在是.... (have, give, share, receive,....),於是 Chandler敎Joey要想
* 15.54 Chandler做了一下伏地挺身就站起來...
ex-con, ordain, a pitcher of, Saran Wrap, extra strength (強效), Reverend,
bode, runner up (後補), a man of the cloth, catcher's mitt,
I have a bone to pick with you. (? 啥意思?)
Phoebe: Oh, I have a headache. A horrible headache!
Monica: Oh, I'm sorry. Can I get you something?
Phoebe: Oh my God, you've got to stop chattering!
Monica: Phoebe, relax none of that stuff ever happens! They just put it on
there for legal reasons!
Phoebe: Why?
Monica: In case it happens.
Ross: What's her last name?
Rachel: Carol…Lesbian?
Phoebe: Oh, it's like a huge weight has been lifted! ‘Cause look,
(reads the side effects) no hair loss, not a rash, no hives,
I'm just so happy! Because no shortness of breath, no temporary
[guest star]
Jane Sibbett (as Carol) Cole Sprouse (as Ben)
717 - The One WIth the Cheap Wedding Dress
- Ross跟Joey和同一個女人約會,這件事情他們到最後才知道,結果他們兩個互揭瘡疤。
- Monica, Rachel和Phoebe去布魯克林的婚紗店搶便宜的婚紗,但另一個女人Megan卻和
* Chandler裝害羞 =.=
*(ending: 三個男人在客廳裡看電視,臉上的T-zone卻塗上了綠綠的去油膏)
Gap commercial, ball (V), stoop, feisty, toilet paper, banister(樓梯扶手),
spasm, gonorrhea
Chandler: I don't want to say.
Rachel: Well you have to because maybe it's stupid.
[guest star]
Andrea Bendewald (as Megan) Gabrielle Union (as Kristen)
Kim Harris (as The Store Owner)
718 - The One With Joey's Award
- Ross要在他的課上當一個學生,但是那個學生竟然說他竟然愛上Ross了,但是後來...
- Joey被提名,於是他帶了Rachel去參加頒獎典禮,結果他沒得到獎..不過...
- Phoebe跟了一個新男人約會,結果他們的熱情讓要結婚的Monica開始覺得有點害怕...
(Opening: Joey被提名Sopee (?) ,Phoebe反應十分激烈!)
* Ross學恐龍叫的樣子很好笑 。
* Chandler的 "Pull my finger"
* The centerpieces are too big
conjecture, cremation, tingly, flaunt, tip toe, sports drink, hoarse(沙啞),
Phoebe: Does this also mean putting out doesn't get you love?
(Monica is shocked.)
Monica: Honey, as we get closer to the wedding, is there anything that you
would like to talk about or share?
Chandler: Okay. Well, I think the centerpieces are too big
Monica: You're wrong! The centerpieces are fine! Do you ever get scared
at all?
Chandler: Kinda. They're really big.
[guest star]
Alison Sweeney (as Jessica Ashley) Kyle Howard (as Alan Lewis)
Vince Vieluf (as Ned Morse) Troy Norton (as Jake)
McKenzie Westmore (as The Presenter)
Alexandra Margulies (as The Waitress [DVD only])
719 - The One With Ross and Monica's Cousin
- Phoebe和Rachel忘了幫Monica辦個wedding shower,時間不夠而且經驗不足,
- Ross跟Monica的姪女住進了Monica家,但是她卻讓Chandler看的目不轉睛,於是她就
- Joey要演出的電影要求Joey必須要裸體演出,而且還要沒割過包皮,結果Monica幫他
(Opening : Joey要拍部電影,但是導演群要求他必須要正面全裸..)
call back, domineer, shrill, improv, anatomically, Barmitsvahed,
double sided tape (雙面膠), luncheon, mahogany, birth stone, wrap,
seed money, bologna, pink suede, Silly Putty,
[guest star]
Denise Richards (as Cassie) Mo Gaffney (as The Casting Director)
June Gable (as Estelle) Scott Adsit (as The Director) Cindy Lu (as The
720 - The One With Rachel's Big Kiss
- Rachel在咖啡廳遇到了她以前的好朋友,於是她想起以前和她做過的荒唐事--她們
- Rachel帶Chandler和Ross到她的公司去挑選西裝,這些西裝都是名人穿過的,但是
- Monica沒有邀請Joey的父母來婚禮,結果Joey不斷的來煩Monica...
sorority, divisional, sangria, lewd, spritzer, quicl peck, vanilla,
hook sb up, luau, sarong, vamp, vent, tooty-fruity, racial slur, pull up,
Chandler似乎很在意他能夠邀請的人有多少..(blue pin的部份)
Ross: Hey! Guess what I got for your wedding! (Holding up his garment bag.)
Chandler: A freakish thin date with a hanger for her head?
Chandler: Ross is Batman!
Monica: Well, he did manage to keep his identity secret for a long time.
Chandler: Actually, I don't like martinis.
Monica: How about a Youhoo with a funny straw?
Chandler: I would but mine doesn't fit. The pants are a little tight.
Monica: A little tight? I could see double-oh and seven in those pants.
[guest star]
Winona Ryder (as Melissa) James Michael Tyler (as Gunther [uncredited])
721 - The One With The Vows (回憶)
- Monica和Chandler 要寫結婚誓詞,但是其實他們兩個都寫不出來,但卻又覺得對方
Chandler: (writing) Monica, there are no words… (To Joey and Ross) There
are no words! This should not be this hard!
Phoebe: Well maybe you don't talk about your feelings back then. Maybe you
just say something about, y'know, all the things that he's taught
you. Like… (They all try to think about one example and don't
succeed.) Or all the things you taught him.
Ross: Dude! How-how did you write this?
Chandler: I stole Monica's and changed the name.
Ross: You can't do that!
Joey: If he goes first he can!
[guest star]
722 - The One With Chandler's Dad
- Monica把她的保時捷借給除了Rachel以外其他的人,這樣Rachel有一點不平衡,於是
- Monica堅持Chandler的爸爸要來參加婚禮,但是 Chandler卻覺得他爸爸是個恥辱....
- Phoebe的男朋友Jack有一次跟Phoebe交換內褲穿,這被Joey發現後覺得奇怪,Phoebe
brisk, beehive, Alimony, RSVP, drag show, swim meets, rolled out of bed,
handle the stick (打檔), smash down, pantyhose, misty
Chandler: Yeah, I just ordered a beer! (Pounds the table.)
Waiter in Drag: You're straight. I get it. (Walks away.)
[guest star]
Kathleen Turner (as Helena) Mark Consuelos (as Policeman #1)
James Michael Tyler (as Gunther [DVD only]) Troy Norton (as Jake)
Chuck Martinez (as Policeman #2) Alexis Arquette (as The Waiter in Drag)
Joe Everett Michaels (as Bakersfield Guy) Stephanie Dicker (as The Woman)
Michelle Haury (as The Waitress)
723 - 724 - The One With Monica and Chandler's Wedding
- Joey接到了一個電影演出的機會,不過他必須在婚禮開始之前結束要不然就
- Chandler自從在家裡聽到答錄機留言後,就對要正式成為"the Bings"深感恐懼,
platoon, shades(太陽眼鏡), steam (熨), fuss, stall sb, pawn (n.). hellhole,
flight risk, matrimony,
Ross: Ah. Joey, you're-you're having lunch with my mom?
Joey: No, I-I just heard lunch. But yeah, I can go. Sure! (They all exit.)
Ross和Chandler的"older brother talk"讓人發噱,就連他後來和三位女士講的時候
Phoebe: (walking up) What's up? (Rachel hands her the note and she reads it.)
Tell Monica I'm sorry. (Pause) Tell her yourself!
Rachel: Yeah but, maybe it's not what we think. Maybe it's tell Monica I'm
sorry I…drank the last of the milk.
Phoebe: Or maybe he-he was writing to tell her that-that he's changed
his name, y'know? Tell Monica I'm sorry.
Ross: I think it means he freaked out and left!
Phoebe在廁所和Rachels那段戲...拿丟掉的衛生紙 XD
Ross: Aw, y'know…Y'know, maybe we're-we're just approaching this all
wrong. If you're Chandler and-and you wanna hide, where is the last
place on Earth people would think you'd go?
[Cut to an office building.]
Ross: So this is your office?
[guest star]
Gary Oldman (as Richard Crosby) Kathleen Turner (as Helena)
Elliott Gould (as Jack Geller) Morgan Fairchild (as Nora) Mark Roberts (I)
(as The Director) James Michael Tyler (as Gunther)
Christina Pickles (as Judy Geller) Peter James Smith (as Assistant Director)
Gary Oldman (as Richard Crosby) Kathleen Turner (as Helena)
Elliott Gould (as Jack Geller) Morgan Fairchild (as Nora)
Mark Roberts (I) (as The Director) Christina Pickles (as Judy Geller)
Steve Susskind (as The Priest) Claudia Stedelin (as Amanda)
But in real life, you're not properly lit
and there's no soundtrack. --Jack
- Monica訂婚的那一晚Rachel跟Ross接吻了, 而剛好被Monica看見,她覺得Rachel
搶了她今晚的風采, 並生很大的氣
- Joey想要演一個19歲的小孩子, 於是他在衣服上大做打扮; Phoebe想要在Monica
and Chandler的婚禮上演唱, 但是 Monica說什麼就不給她唱..
- Chandler發現他在訂婚之夜竟然不舉; Ross一直在炫耀他的手..
chime in, whack, caricaturist, mimey, pound on sb.
Chandler: Seriously? Seriously, no! You can play your own age which is 31!
Joey: (gasps) I'm 30!
Rachel: Joey, you are not! You're 31.
Joey: (realizes) Aww crap!
[guest star]
702 - The One With Rachel's Book
- Monica和Chandler去跟Monica的父母吃飯,這才知道他們把之前要給她結婚的預備金
都給花光了, 這下子Monica的美麗婚禮就泡湯了, 不過Chandler說他有一些錢,但是
- Phoebe搬過去Ross那邊住, 但是她同時也把她的按摩客人也帶過去了, Ross叫她移到
別的地方去做生意, 但是有一天, 有個美艷的客人來做按摩, 而Ross竟然就謊稱自己
- 因為Joey的鴨子吃了Rachel的面霜而到處拉肚子, 於是Joey跑到Rachel的房間裡去午
睡, 卻意外發現Rachel的一本色情小說, 從此之後他就不斷的在取笑Rachel
square footage, string quartet , trio, centerpiece, cranky, recoil, vicar,
loin, kick back, masseur, diaphragm, rustic, custom-made, empire-waisted,
duchess, satin gown, off the rack, earmark, put sb's foot down, acu-pressure
Chandler: Yes, I am!
Phoebe: Wow, money and a firm hand. Finally a Chandler I can get on board
[guest star]
Elliott Gould (as Jack Geller) Christina Pickles (as Judy Geller)
Suzanne Lanza (as The Woman)
703 - The One With Phoebe's Cookies
- Phoebe要把她奶奶的餅乾秘方送給Monica當作訂婚禮物,但是做法卻被燒掉了...
- Rachel 敎Joey開船,但是Rachel一到船上卻變的脾氣暴躁...
- Ross 的父親邀請Chandler和Ross去打網球,結果Chandler不小心在蒸氣室裡坐到
(Opening: Chandler開始戴起眼鏡,當他詢問眾人時,卻沒人看的出他和以前的差異。)
(Ending: Rachel和Joey在船上吃三明治,但談到三明治,Joey就露出他的本性了)
exasperatedly, come about, nutmeg, barbed wire, luff, cunningham,
broccoli rabe, shuffleboard, in-law
Ross: You're not a lefty?
Chandler: Does anybody know me?!
Monica: No!! Why didn't you make a copy and-and keep it in a fireproof
box and keep it at least a hundred yards from the original?!!
Phoebe: (pauses as he figures out how to answer that) Because I'm normal!
(Chandler looks over and sees Ross glaring at them.)
Chandler: Okay, we owe you a present.
Ross: Two! I've been engaged twice!
Ross: You have to respect the sea! (Storms off.)
[guest star]
Elliott Gould (as Jack Geller)
704 - The One With Rachel's Assistant
- Rachel被升職了,她必須找個助理,但是她的應徵者之中有一個有經驗的人和一個
- Chandler和Monica交換了一個Ross的秘密(在迪士尼嘔吐),但之後事情卻越演越烈..
- Joey原本的戲演的很爛,他還以為很好,剛好這時候他以前的戲要找他演出,他卻
(Opening: 大家在看Joey的節目"Mac and C.H.E.E.S.E.",但是這節目爛透了..大家
*Monica躲在冰箱偷笑,超白癡 (11:40)
head rush, goal-oriented person, hibachi, ground beef smileys,
leg warmers(衛生褲), steer clear,
Monica: Phoebe, do you think that your favorite animal says much about you?
Phoebe: What? You mean behind my back?
(Monica is getting something out of the fridge and starts laughing.)
Rpss: What's so funny?!
Monica: (trying not to laugh) I'm not laughing.
(Ross and Chandler move closer to her and she starts laughing again.)
Ross: (To Chandler) You told her!
Chandler: Nancy Thompson's getting fired! (Monica slaps him on the
[guest star]
Eddie Cahill (as Tag) Michael Kagan (as Terry) Jean St. James (as Hilda)
Cody Tucker (as Kathy) Cynthia Graham (as Nurse #1)
Renee Louise Rogers (as Nurse #2) Eric Rutherford (as Stryker)
705 - The One With Engagement Picture
- Chandler照相的時候笑的很不自然,但是他們需要訂婚照片...於是他們上了相館
- Rachel瘋狂的喜歡上她的助理Tag,於是她千方百計的阻止其他人,最後她還找了
- Phoebe開始跟一個離了婚的男人約會,但他的前妻一直想找他復合,於是Phoebe找上
Ross去調開她...結果Ross跟Phoebe竟然為了這兩個人吵了起來 (超好笑)
* 13.40之後那一段很好笑 (Chandler: I am right here..)
reverse lay-up, granola, antihistamine, reminiscing
Chandler: Someone on the subway licked my neck! Licked my neck!!
Phoebe: Oh Willie's still alive!
[guest star]
Eddie Cahill (as Tag) David Sutcliffe (as Kyle)
Julia Campbell (as Whitney) Caroline Keenan (as Melissa)
Heather Sims (as Emily [DVD only]) Roger Eschbacher (as The Photographer)
706 - The One WIth The Nap Partners
- Monica要挑伴娘,但是她要讓Phoebe跟Rachel自己挑,於是她們兩個開始了一連串
- Ross跟Joey看完Die Hard後兩個人睡在一起,而Joey卻覺得這是他睡過最舒服的
- Chandler以前拋棄了一個女友,理由是因為她太胖,Monica卻堅持他要回去道歉..
cold feet, overdue, garter
Rachel: Hi! I just want to apologize. I'm really sorry I was a baby.
Phoebe: That's ridiculous Rachel, we were all babies once. (Rachel looks
at her.) Oh, you mean today.
[guest star]
Stacy Galina (as Julie)
707 - The One With Ross's Library Book
- Ross的博士論文被出版了還保存在圖書館內,但是許多人卻不斷的在那一區調情,
- Monica在餐廳遇到Janice,結果她只好邀請她來參加婚禮....
- Joey想要跟他的女友分手,但是他卻找了Rachel幫他講...結果Rachel不但沒講還把
decimal, Colonel, corner(V), immunized, hypoallergenic, pooper,
Chandler: Y'know what? It's gonna be okay. Y'know what? She's probably
not gonna even want to come.
Monica: Really?
Chandler: No! That was a lie! See how easy that was?
Phoebe: Joey, she's so cool. She speaks four languages.
Joey: Man, do you know what guys want!
Rachel: Oh Phoebe, we forgot that party we have to go to.
Phoebe: Oh no.
Monica: It's actually going to be just family.
Janice: Oh…wait…you two think of me as family?!
Rachel: Wow. Well, I guess it was Cupid who brought her here.
Phoebe: No, just a regular old flying dwarf.
Janice: Please, it's because otherwise I really don't know what I might do.
Chandler: Aren't you just a tinsy bit curious?
Chandler: No-no-no-no, if we let her stay, she will stay forever!
Monica: Kinda like your barcalounger.
Chandler: Is that what you're thinking about right now?
Monica: I never stop thinking about it.
Monica: I mean, I realize that his feelings may never completely go away,
but you can.
[guest star]
Kristin Davis (as Erin) Maggie Wheeler (as Janice)
Michael D. Roberts (as The Head Librarian) Doug Budin (as The Librarian)
Sarah O'Hare (as The Woman) Alexandra Margulies (as The Waitress)
Andy Brewster (as The Guy in Library) Nicholas Thomas (as The Guy Student)
Jessica A. O'Sullivan (as The Girl Student)
708 - The One Where Chandler Doesn't Like Dogs
- Phoebe偷帶了一隻狗放在Monica家,但是Chandler宣稱他對狗過敏...
- Ross對自己答不出50洲名稱的問題十分困擾...
- Rachel不知道要不要向Teg告白
(Opening : 大家在玩記憶美國五十洲的遊戲)
*Joey的"Moo point" (10.00)
knitting, repulse, gerbil
Phoebe: Oh my god! Where are you? (Looks around.)
Ross: Right, they are scary. (He jumps up, screaming) Ahh, she just ate a
treat out of my hand!!!
Joey: Fine! Take their advice. No one ever listens to me. When the package
is this pretty, no one cares what's inside.
[guest star]
Eddie Cahill (as Tag)
709 - The One With All The Candy
- Monica做了一些糖果,想要跟鄰居分享,結果因為太好吃了,一大堆人搶著要,搞的
- Ross幫Phoebe買了一台腳踏車,但是她卻因為不會騎而把腳踏車擺在一邊,讓Ross
- Rachel跟Tag在辦公室調情,結果不小心差點爆料了...
Opening: 大家在公園看Ben騎車,Phoebe說她以前從來沒騎過腳踏車)
Ending : Phoebe的腳踏車裝了輔助輪..
* 20.35 Joey把別人撞倒
tassel, handle grip, wicker basket, daisy, crime wave, swing by,
beanbag chair, Chinese throwing star (飛標), limerick, pipe down,
Mob mentality, corny, training wheels 輔助輪
Phoebe: No! But she gave me the box that it came in. It had a picture of
the bike on the front. (They're all speechless) So I would sit
on it and my step-dad would drag me around the backyard.
Chandler: Is that why you became a chef? So that people would like you?
Monica: Oh, you really want to talk about getting people to like you huh,
funny man? (Joey laughs but stops when Chandler turns to glare
at him.)
Phoebe: All right. If you care enough to make up that load of crap, okay.
Ross: Great! Great! (He runs to the door.) You're making the bike very happy.
Phoebe: (sarcastically) Okay Ross! (Ross exits and she says quietly to the
bike) Please don't die!
[guest star]
Eddie Cahill (as Tag) Cole Sprouse (as Ben) Amy Hill (as The Woman)
Steve Ireland (as Mr. Zelner) Jonathan Floyd (as Gary)
Ashley L. Clark (as The Man)
710 - The One With the Holiday Armadillo
- Ross在這次的聖誕節要敎他的小孩Ben有關光明節的事情,但是事情似乎不怎麼順利..
- Chandler 和Monica要共度佳節,但是餐廳客滿了,但是要給小費又不怎麼順利.....
- Phoeb要準備讓Rachel搬回來住,但是卻聽到Chandler說 Rachel跟Joey住在一起
betroth, lickerish, burrito, wrecking ball, phial, tarantula, drum-stool,
sconce, porcupine
Phoebe: And maybe I could teach Ben about the Christmas skull and how
people die.
Rachel: You may need to use this year to teach Ben about Phoebe.
Chandler: Because, if Santa and the Holiday…Armadillo? (Ross nods) ...are
ever in the same room for too long the universe will implode.
Merry Christmas!
Rachel: (seeing the collection of characters.) Wow! It looks like the
Easter Bunny's funeral in here.
Phoebe: Okay, I understand why Superman is here, but why is there a porcupine
at the Easter Bunny's funeral?
Easter Bunny's funneral 真的很好笑
[guest star]
Cole Sprouse (as Ben) James Michael Tyler (as Gunther)
Terry Rhoads (as The Maitre'd) Sean Corvelle (as The Salesman)
Barry Wiggins (as The Man)
711 - The One With All The Cheesecake
- Chandler不斷的收到別人寄錯的起司蛋糕,但是因為太好吃了,他捨不得把它拿回去
- Gueller家的親戚要結婚了,但是他們只邀請了Ross而沒有邀請Monica,Monica相當
- Phoebe跟Joey相約去餐廳吃飯,但是Joey第一次卻因故爽約,Phoebe十分生氣,
sweet tooth, conglomerate, wear sb. down, kindling, broad backed, red-eye,
pull a fast one, prime rib, mahi mahi, lobster ravioli, mealy, beaker,
positronic distillation, wrap
Phoebe: Oh, I have dinner plans with Joey. We get together about once a month
to discuss the rest of you guys.
Chandler: (gloatingly and holding his piece) Ohhh!
[guest star]
Hank Azaria (as David) Lela Lee (as The Wedding Guest)
Gina Belafonte (as The Second Guest) Mailon Rivera (as The Waiter)
Darlene Kardon (as Aunt Millie) Robyn Donny (as Frannie)
Joe Coyle (as Stuart) Jim Hanna (as The Man [DVD only])
712 - The One Where They're Up All Night (+++)
- Chandler晚上睡不著覺,把Monica也搞的睡不著,最後反而是Chandler自己睡著,
- Joey跟Ross被鎖在陽台上,最後他們爬防火梯下去,但只通到一半。鬧了半天,Ross
- Phoebe在家裡一個人被滅火警報器的逼逼聲搞的睡不著覺。
- Rachel跟Teg在家裡共度夜晚,卻為了一份文件有沒有送出去而半夜跑到公司去....
(Opening: 大家在屋頂看星星)
flattering, tar, shin, wok, overnight (V), budge, pummel, emanate, puzzler,
gloat, shimmy down
Phoebe: Well, all right. 1700 bags of peanuts flying that high, that's
pretty amazing too.
Ross: It's called the Bapstein-King comet, okay? (Joey starts to groan.)
Hey! Hey! Bapstein was a very well respected astronomer!
Joey: (covering his ears and yelling) Oh no! No! No! (He starts banging
on the door.)
Phoebe: How could you be beeping?! I just disconnected you! I took out your
battery! How can…
Smoke Detector: Beep!
Phoebe: Don't interrupt me!!
Phoebe : What do you want from me?!!!!!!!
[guest star]
Eddie Cahill (as Tag) Jason Winston George (as the Fireman)
713 - The One With Rosita Dies
- Monica跟Ross的父母要把房子賣掉,但是他們倆個還不知道消息,於是他們就回去
- Rachel把Joey的椅子(名為Rosita)弄壞了,他們去買了一張新的椅子,之後卻發生
- Phoebe接不到新的按摩客人,於是Ross介紹她去一間推銷toner的公司作推銷員,之後
toner, trial run, asbestos, light bulb, headrest, guk, recline, spin
Earl: It's just that I uh, have been working for ten years now at this
meaningless, dead-end job and nobody here even knows I exist!
Phoebe: Chandler?
Phoebe: Because it was fate that made me call you today!
Earl: I thought it was toner.
Rachel: Oh yeah, Joey broke it. Had to get rid of it.
Monica: Are you kidding?! I get a Porsche and the barcalounger's gone?!
This is the best day ever! (Runs out.)
[guest star]
ason Alexander (as Earl) Elliott Gould (as Jack Geller)
Joyce Guy (as The Supervisor) Steven Rozic (as The "Hey Guy" Guy)
Wendee Cole (as Marge)
714 - The One Where They All Turn Thirty
- 回憶每個人過三十歲生日的情景..
- Pheobe在三十歲前要做的事情都完成了,但是後來他卻發現他早就不是三十歲了...
- Ross 在他的生日買了一部蠢車,但是這台車卻卡在別人的車子當中怎麼開都開不
- Monica在她的生日宴會上喝醉酒...
hippity-hop, patch up, wedge in, safety pins, liven up, wasted, over the hill
(contrast to "downhill"?),
Joey一直在別人的生日上哭/Mr. Geller的褲子破掉也很蠢
Phoehe: Haul ass!!!! (Runs off.)
Chandler: For my last birthday you gave me a hug!
[guest star]
Elliott Gould (as Jack Geller) Eddie Cahill (as Tag)
Christina Pickles (as Judy Geller) Wayne Sherwood (as The Man in Sportscar)
Vanessa White (as The Woman)
715 - The One WIth Joey's New Brain
- Ross替Monica的婚禮準備了一場「超棒」的音樂饗宴...(蘇格蘭風笛),讓Chandler
- Joey要從他的昏迷角色中甦醒了,並要取代原劇中Jessica的角色,於是Joey請她
- Rachel跟Phoebe在咖啡廳意外撿到一隻手機,而這隻手機是一個帥哥的,她們兩個
Ending: Ross吹風笛大家笑場
spy-type, knocker, ratchet, nacho, shortbread, kilt, short plaid skirt,
knee socks,
Ross: (to Monica and Rachel) It's winter, they are fewer people on the
street. (Rachel and Monica smile and nod, knowingly.)
Monica: What is that?
Chandler: I think it's the dying cat parade.
Monica: Unbelievable! Why is your family Scottish?!
Chandler: Why is your family Ross?!
[guest star]
Susan Sarandon (as Jessica Lockhart) Eva Amurri (as Dina)
Jack Betts (as Tom) Jeff Asch (as The Writer) George Stults (as Fredrick)
716 - The One With The Truth About London
Plots :
- Ross有急事,所以把Ben寄放在Rachel那邊,但是Rachel卻敎了Ben一些小把戲....
- Phoebe頭痛,所以Monica給她一點西藥吃。但是因為她不怎麼相信西藥,所以當
- Monica和Chandler要找個牧師來幫他們證婚,於是Joey自告奮勇要幫忙,但是他寫的
祝福辭實在是.... (have, give, share, receive,....),於是 Chandler敎Joey要想
* 15.54 Chandler做了一下伏地挺身就站起來...
ex-con, ordain, a pitcher of, Saran Wrap, extra strength (強效), Reverend,
bode, runner up (後補), a man of the cloth, catcher's mitt,
I have a bone to pick with you. (? 啥意思?)
Phoebe: Oh, I have a headache. A horrible headache!
Monica: Oh, I'm sorry. Can I get you something?
Phoebe: Oh my God, you've got to stop chattering!
Monica: Phoebe, relax none of that stuff ever happens! They just put it on
there for legal reasons!
Phoebe: Why?
Monica: In case it happens.
Ross: What's her last name?
Rachel: Carol…Lesbian?
Phoebe: Oh, it's like a huge weight has been lifted! ‘Cause look,
(reads the side effects) no hair loss, not a rash, no hives,
I'm just so happy! Because no shortness of breath, no temporary
[guest star]
Jane Sibbett (as Carol) Cole Sprouse (as Ben)
717 - The One WIth the Cheap Wedding Dress
- Ross跟Joey和同一個女人約會,這件事情他們到最後才知道,結果他們兩個互揭瘡疤。
- Monica, Rachel和Phoebe去布魯克林的婚紗店搶便宜的婚紗,但另一個女人Megan卻和
* Chandler裝害羞 =.=
*(ending: 三個男人在客廳裡看電視,臉上的T-zone卻塗上了綠綠的去油膏)
Gap commercial, ball (V), stoop, feisty, toilet paper, banister(樓梯扶手),
spasm, gonorrhea
Chandler: I don't want to say.
Rachel: Well you have to because maybe it's stupid.
[guest star]
Andrea Bendewald (as Megan) Gabrielle Union (as Kristen)
Kim Harris (as The Store Owner)
718 - The One With Joey's Award
- Ross要在他的課上當一個學生,但是那個學生竟然說他竟然愛上Ross了,但是後來...
- Joey被提名,於是他帶了Rachel去參加頒獎典禮,結果他沒得到獎..不過...
- Phoebe跟了一個新男人約會,結果他們的熱情讓要結婚的Monica開始覺得有點害怕...
(Opening: Joey被提名Sopee (?) ,Phoebe反應十分激烈!)
* Ross學恐龍叫的樣子很好笑 。
* Chandler的 "Pull my finger"
* The centerpieces are too big
conjecture, cremation, tingly, flaunt, tip toe, sports drink, hoarse(沙啞),
Phoebe: Does this also mean putting out doesn't get you love?
(Monica is shocked.)
Monica: Honey, as we get closer to the wedding, is there anything that you
would like to talk about or share?
Chandler: Okay. Well, I think the centerpieces are too big
Monica: You're wrong! The centerpieces are fine! Do you ever get scared
at all?
Chandler: Kinda. They're really big.
[guest star]
Alison Sweeney (as Jessica Ashley) Kyle Howard (as Alan Lewis)
Vince Vieluf (as Ned Morse) Troy Norton (as Jake)
McKenzie Westmore (as The Presenter)
Alexandra Margulies (as The Waitress [DVD only])
719 - The One With Ross and Monica's Cousin
- Phoebe和Rachel忘了幫Monica辦個wedding shower,時間不夠而且經驗不足,
- Ross跟Monica的姪女住進了Monica家,但是她卻讓Chandler看的目不轉睛,於是她就
- Joey要演出的電影要求Joey必須要裸體演出,而且還要沒割過包皮,結果Monica幫他
(Opening : Joey要拍部電影,但是導演群要求他必須要正面全裸..)
call back, domineer, shrill, improv, anatomically, Barmitsvahed,
double sided tape (雙面膠), luncheon, mahogany, birth stone, wrap,
seed money, bologna, pink suede, Silly Putty,
[guest star]
Denise Richards (as Cassie) Mo Gaffney (as The Casting Director)
June Gable (as Estelle) Scott Adsit (as The Director) Cindy Lu (as The
720 - The One With Rachel's Big Kiss
- Rachel在咖啡廳遇到了她以前的好朋友,於是她想起以前和她做過的荒唐事--她們
- Rachel帶Chandler和Ross到她的公司去挑選西裝,這些西裝都是名人穿過的,但是
- Monica沒有邀請Joey的父母來婚禮,結果Joey不斷的來煩Monica...
sorority, divisional, sangria, lewd, spritzer, quicl peck, vanilla,
hook sb up, luau, sarong, vamp, vent, tooty-fruity, racial slur, pull up,
Chandler似乎很在意他能夠邀請的人有多少..(blue pin的部份)
Ross: Hey! Guess what I got for your wedding! (Holding up his garment bag.)
Chandler: A freakish thin date with a hanger for her head?
Chandler: Ross is Batman!
Monica: Well, he did manage to keep his identity secret for a long time.
Chandler: Actually, I don't like martinis.
Monica: How about a Youhoo with a funny straw?
Chandler: I would but mine doesn't fit. The pants are a little tight.
Monica: A little tight? I could see double-oh and seven in those pants.
[guest star]
Winona Ryder (as Melissa) James Michael Tyler (as Gunther [uncredited])
721 - The One With The Vows (回憶)
- Monica和Chandler 要寫結婚誓詞,但是其實他們兩個都寫不出來,但卻又覺得對方
Chandler: (writing) Monica, there are no words… (To Joey and Ross) There
are no words! This should not be this hard!
Phoebe: Well maybe you don't talk about your feelings back then. Maybe you
just say something about, y'know, all the things that he's taught
you. Like… (They all try to think about one example and don't
succeed.) Or all the things you taught him.
Ross: Dude! How-how did you write this?
Chandler: I stole Monica's and changed the name.
Ross: You can't do that!
Joey: If he goes first he can!
[guest star]
722 - The One With Chandler's Dad
- Monica把她的保時捷借給除了Rachel以外其他的人,這樣Rachel有一點不平衡,於是
- Monica堅持Chandler的爸爸要來參加婚禮,但是 Chandler卻覺得他爸爸是個恥辱....
- Phoebe的男朋友Jack有一次跟Phoebe交換內褲穿,這被Joey發現後覺得奇怪,Phoebe
brisk, beehive, Alimony, RSVP, drag show, swim meets, rolled out of bed,
handle the stick (打檔), smash down, pantyhose, misty
Chandler: Yeah, I just ordered a beer! (Pounds the table.)
Waiter in Drag: You're straight. I get it. (Walks away.)
[guest star]
Kathleen Turner (as Helena) Mark Consuelos (as Policeman #1)
James Michael Tyler (as Gunther [DVD only]) Troy Norton (as Jake)
Chuck Martinez (as Policeman #2) Alexis Arquette (as The Waiter in Drag)
Joe Everett Michaels (as Bakersfield Guy) Stephanie Dicker (as The Woman)
Michelle Haury (as The Waitress)
723 - 724 - The One With Monica and Chandler's Wedding
- Joey接到了一個電影演出的機會,不過他必須在婚禮開始之前結束要不然就
- Chandler自從在家裡聽到答錄機留言後,就對要正式成為"the Bings"深感恐懼,
platoon, shades(太陽眼鏡), steam (熨), fuss, stall sb, pawn (n.). hellhole,
flight risk, matrimony,
Ross: Ah. Joey, you're-you're having lunch with my mom?
Joey: No, I-I just heard lunch. But yeah, I can go. Sure! (They all exit.)
Ross和Chandler的"older brother talk"讓人發噱,就連他後來和三位女士講的時候
Phoebe: (walking up) What's up? (Rachel hands her the note and she reads it.)
Tell Monica I'm sorry. (Pause) Tell her yourself!
Rachel: Yeah but, maybe it's not what we think. Maybe it's tell Monica I'm
sorry I…drank the last of the milk.
Phoebe: Or maybe he-he was writing to tell her that-that he's changed
his name, y'know? Tell Monica I'm sorry.
Ross: I think it means he freaked out and left!
Phoebe在廁所和Rachels那段戲...拿丟掉的衛生紙 XD
Ross: Aw, y'know…Y'know, maybe we're-we're just approaching this all
wrong. If you're Chandler and-and you wanna hide, where is the last
place on Earth people would think you'd go?
[Cut to an office building.]
Ross: So this is your office?
[guest star]
Gary Oldman (as Richard Crosby) Kathleen Turner (as Helena)
Elliott Gould (as Jack Geller) Morgan Fairchild (as Nora) Mark Roberts (I)
(as The Director) James Michael Tyler (as Gunther)
Christina Pickles (as Judy Geller) Peter James Smith (as Assistant Director)
Gary Oldman (as Richard Crosby) Kathleen Turner (as Helena)
Elliott Gould (as Jack Geller) Morgan Fairchild (as Nora)
Mark Roberts (I) (as The Director) Christina Pickles (as Judy Geller)
Steve Susskind (as The Priest) Claudia Stedelin (as Amanda)
But in real life, you're not properly lit
and there's no soundtrack. --Jack
All Comments

By Jacky
at 2006-04-30T11:30
at 2006-04-30T11:30

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at 2006-05-04T09:53
at 2006-05-04T09:53
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