第九季劇情大綱 - 六人行

Hedy avatar
By Hedy
at 2006-04-27T10:07

Table of Contents

901 - The One Where No One Propose


- Ross本來想要跟Rachel求婚,戒指卻陰錯陽差的到了Joey的身上. Rachel以為
Joey要向她求婚, 這下子誤會該怎麼解釋呢?
- Monica跟Chandler在醫院立刻想要生一個小孩,結果他們做人的地方竟然被
Mr. Geller看到...


Mr. Geller: So when do I get to meet Emma and show her this?
(Pulls a bouquet of flowers out of his sleeve.)
Chandler: Okay. Wow.

Chandler: Seriously sir, my brains? All over the wall.

Rachel: Joey proposed to me.
Monica: Is he crazy?! You just had Ross’s baby!
Rachel: Well, I-I said yes.
Monica: What?! Are you crazy? You just had Ross’s baby!

[guest star]
Elliott Gould (as Jack Geller) Cleo King (as Nurse Kitty)
902 - The One Where Emma Cries


- Chandler 為了一個重要的會議而無法成眠,結果他後來在會議上睡著而沒有聽到
老闆的話,事情演變成他答應了要遷到Tulsa 的分公司去,而這個決定讓他得搬離
- Rachel 把她的小寶寶吵醒了,但是這一醒就哭鬧不止,結果搞的Monica、Rachel
跟Phoebe 被吵的受不了...
- Ross對於Rachel接受Joey求婚的誤會很感冒,在一次對話中Ross 不小心自己弄傷了
* Ross的 double quotation 的手勢 XD

peter pocket, pacifier, burping clogs, ob board, lease,

Phoebe改標誌 (It's a Boy --> It's NOT a Boy)

Phoebe: Well, alright, we already tried feeding her, changing her,
burping her, oh try this one! Go back in time and listen to Phoebe!

Joey叫Ross打他的時候結果Joey閃開他打到柱子,結果Gunther看到還笑的很開心 XDDD

Monica: Try feeding her again.
Rachel: I already fed her.
Monica: I know, that's why I said again!
Phoebe: Alright you guys, we can't turn on each other, that's just what
she wants.

Rachel: Oh my God! How long has she been crying?
Monica: About a week and a half.

Phoebe: (comes back into the room) Have I gone deaf?

[guest star]
James Michael Tyler (as Gunther) Janet Hubert-Whitten (as Ms. McKenna)
903 - The One With Pediatrician


- Rachel 一直為了小事情找她的小兒科醫師,後來那個醫生不勝其擾把她給開除了,
於是Rachel 想起Ross以前的小兒科醫師,但是 Ross 卻騙她說他死了,後來才發現
- Joey 和 Phoebe 看到 Rachel和Ross有一段穩定的關係,覺得自己是不是也應該
安定下來,於是他們同意給彼此找約會對象,但健忘的 Joey 卻忘了幫 Phoebe找,
最後只好隨便到餐廳叫了個 mike的人去...後來被 Phoebe知道後她十分的不開心。
- Chandler 還是得去 Tulsa 工作,於是他想要幫 Monica 在那邊找個工作,結果

gag, Rubella, Slim Pickings, shovel, mesquite, lollypop, diagnostician,
boo-boo, wall-hanging, security blanket, parole officer, rash, Waldo,


Monica: Yeah, he used to have this recurring nightmare, just really freaked
him out.
Rachel: Why? What was it?
Monica: That I was going to eat him.

Ross在醫院的樣子真的很白痴..XD 還有他抱怨有寶寶比他先進去的時候

[guest star]
Paul Rudd (as Mike) Dedee Pfeiffer (as Mary Ellen)
Elaine Hendrix (as Sally) Gregory White (as Dr. Gettleman)
Angee Hughes (as Nurse) Greta Sesheta (as Receptionist)
904 - The One With The Sharks


- Chandler這禮拜不能回家,於是Joey就建議Monica乾脆飛到Tulsa去給Chandler一個
- Phoebe和Mike出去約會,但在這之前卻被Ross的話給搞哭了,結果整個約會就樣被
- Joey和一個在咖啡店遇到的女人約會,回到她家後她才發現他好像來過這個地方,
Ending: Phoebe教訓Joey到了三十歲還是沒有固定的關係,結果Joey的反應竟然和她

loins, compact (化粧品包), objectify , teddy, garter, join a cult,
Pay-per-view, jollies, bloaty, dangler, glue sniffer, fast forward(v.),


Ross: We are a rare breed. molest,

Chandler進旅館唱歌超蠢 XD
Monica要進旅館房間前還先幫旁邊的畫擺正 XDDDD

Rachel: You know, I once dated this guy who wanted to pretend he was an
archeologist and I was a naughty cave woman that he unfroze from
a block of ice.
Monica: Eww, are you talking about my bother?

Phoebe: (Walks towards Ross) If you hadn't just had a baby with my best
friend I swear to Lucifer a rabid dog would be feasting on your
danglers right now!

[guest star]
Paul Rudd (as Mike) James Michael Tyler (as Gunther) Susan Ward (as Hayley)
Nikita Ager (as Hayley's Roommate)
905 - TOW Phoebe's Birthday Dinner (++++)


- Phoebe的生日,但是除了Joey其他人都遲到了,結果他們在餐廳等了超久還是
- Chandler偷偷抽菸被Monica發現,而他們原本要為了生小孩多試幾次,卻被Chandler
- Rachel放心不下Emma,結果要出門前臨陣退縮,加上Ross不小心把門鎖住,到了餐廳

threadbare, fatso, scram, offing, super, talon, ablaze, cave (v.),
manhandle, beauty parlor, ovulate, Risotto, truffel, shrew

Chandler: (backs away) Alright, the truth is, I soiled myself during some

Ross: the world is your oyster. Kick up the heels. Paint the town red

Monica: So what? Don't you have any will power?
Chandler: Will power? I've watched home movies of you eating ding-dongs
without taking the tinfoil off.

Rachel: We got locked out of the apartment, we ...
Joey: That's a great story. Can I eat it?

Ross: Huh-huh, they already know it! (Ross wins...but then realizes that
perhaps it's not a good thing that they already know this story.)

Phoehe發瘋叫的那一段 "Pick up the sock! Pick up the sock! PICK UP THE SOCK!"
Ending也好笑,Joey吃了六人份的晚餐還加一份生日蛋糕 XD

[guest star]
Christina Pickles (as Judy Geller) Dan Bucatinsky (as Waiter)
Kevin Farrell (as Maitre d') Monique Edwards (as Claudia)
Brian Chenoweth (as Ken)
906 - TOW The Male Nanny (++++)

- Monica告訴Chandler在她新工作的地方有一個最好笑的人,這讓Chandler很不安心,
並急於證明自己才是最好笑的人,結果Joey知道後便和Ross, Monica串通好...
- Ross和Rachel決定找個保母來照顧Emma,結果Rachel看中一個男保母,但是Ross對
- Phoebe和Mile的戀情升溫,他們決定交換公寓的鑰匙,但是在交換鑰匙完的第一天,

waistband, bit, calendula, camellia, branding cattle, ergo, Academia,
on a roll, lazy eye, cerebral, whimsical, wiggle, squash, tank top,


Monica: Really? The scientist guy?
Phoebe: Really? Chandler?

Phoebe: (sarcastically) Uhuh... Yeah...!, you know. And given my life long
search for irony, you can imagine how happy I am.

Chandler: (laughs, but then moves to Phoebe) And don't get me started
on the way that people from Tulsa talk.
Phoebe: Okay. (and she walks away)

Chandler拿Pizza進來那場戲超好笑,然後Joey亂笑一通 XDDDDDDD (經典!!)

Chandler: Well, I'm off to Tulsa, so if your Maitre D. friend has any funny
Oklahoma jokes, tell him to e-mail me at www.hahanotsomuch.com.

[guest star]
Hank Azaria (as David) Paul Rudd (as Mike) Freddie Prinze Jr. (as Sandy)
Susan Slome (as The Prospective Nanny)
907 - TOW The Inapporiate Song

Starter: Ross在對著Emma唱SirMixAlot的Baby Got Back
- Joey拍電影賺了一點小錢,於是他想要投資ㄧ點事業,Monica建議他買房地產,
- Phoebe要去見Mike的父母親,但是她太緊張了一直出錯,不但打傷了Mike的爸爸
- Ross向Rachel炫耀他讓Emma笑出來的成果,結果Rachel認為唱這種歌太不雅了,

emu, makeover, malpractice, list agent, hepatitis, posh, testament,
customary, ode, pubic hair (陰毛), veal, pill-popping, top drawer,


Joey: Uh, yeah... This guy at work got me excited about going in on an emu
farm. That'd be kinda cool huh? Pitching in on the weekends, helping
to plant the emus...

Ross學嬰兒的叫聲..太蠢了 XD

[guest star]
Paul Rudd (as Mike) Gregory Itzin (as Mr. Hannigan)
Cristine Rose (as Mrs. Hannigan) Robin Krieger (as The Realtor)
908 - TOW Rachel's Other Sister (+++++)

- Joey忘了去參加遊行,他得編個藉口告訴上面的人,不過他似乎不怎麼會撒謊,
- Rachel的妹妹Amy來找她,結果剛好她男朋友把她給甩了,Rachel只好把她帶到
- Monica對她買的新瓷器一直很擔心,在用餐的時候鬧了不少笑話

afro, syphilis, take it out on,


Phoebe: Oh okay. How about the whole "man walking on the moon" thing.
You know? You. you could. You could see the strings people!

Amy: Hello? Yeah, um. Hang on one sec. <to Ross and Rachel> Can I take
this upstairs?
Ross: Sure, we don't live there but...

Amy: My boyfriend canceled on me. I mean.. I I finally find a real
relationship. I mean, someone that I can spend this day with and then
his wife comes back into town.

Phoebe: Yeah we thought it would be nice to use the fancy china for
dessert too.
Monica: Oh how nice. Maybe later we can all go blow our noses on my
wedding dress.

Chandler: Oh no thats okay, you're totally right. I don't know anything
about disciplining a child. But it did hurt my feelings and I
want you to know that when I die, you don't get Joey.

Rachel: Ok. You decorate dad's office and so now you're a decorator.
Okay! I went to the zoo yesterday and now I'm a koala bear.

[guest star]
Christina Applegate (as Amy)
909 - TOW Rachel's Phone Number

- Joey要趁Chandler放假的時候一起去看籃球賽,但是這天剛好是Monica這禮拜能
- Ross和Mike無言了一個晚上..................................
- Phoebe和Rachel相約去酒吧玩,結果Rachel竟然把自己的電話給了別的男人。後來

braid, horseback, loger, stout


Joey: Okay, what have we always wanted to do together?
Chandler: Braid each other's hair and ride horseback on the beach?

Joey帶著Chandler進來的時候,Chandler 和 Monica演的戲,很蠢

[guest star]
Paul Rudd (as Mike) Chris Payne Gilbert (as Bill)
910 - TOW Christmas In Tulsa (Monica和Chandler的回憶)

- Chandler 因為工作不能回家過節,後來被問起如何過節 (回憶),然後Chandler

thistle, bedspread, Actuary, wage earner, kept man


大家說Merry Christmas的時候Phoebe故意說一些blah blah blah的話 XDDDD

[guest star]
Selma Blair (as Wendy) Brian Chenoweth (as Ken) Monique Edwards (as Claudia)
911 - TOW Rachel Goes Back To Work

- Phoebe沒錢了,Joey建議她來戲裡客串,結果剛開始因為太緊張一直出錯,後來
- Chandler因為聖誕節跑回來而辭掉工作,於是Monica就幫他整理一堆他可以找的
- Rachel回到公司,卻發現她原來的職位被一個叫做Gavin的人代理了,她搶著要

car antenna, sponge bath, dodder, cheeky, from scratch, fill me in,
jump suit, moonlight (v.),


Chandler: Oh, yeah. But you have to give it back if I get a job. Of course,
by that time in the future ties will be obsolete and we'll all be
wearing silver jump suits.

Gavin: I'm really fine, don't worry, I'm great with children. (To Emma)
Gavin Mitchell. Pleased to meet you.

Chandler的工作:statistical analysis and data reconfiguration

[guest star]
Dermot Mulroney (as Gavin) Steve Ireland (as Mr. Zelner)
Evan Handler (as The Director) Phill Lewis (as Steve)
Alexandra Margulies (as Female Extra #1) Heather Sims (as Female Extra #2)
Paul Logan (as The Soap Actor)
912 - TOW Phoebe's Rats

- Ross和Rachel替Emma找了個新保母,但是因為太正了,Joey又偷偷跑去和她約會,
- Mile在Phoebe的家裡發現老鼠,但這卻是Phoebe所養的寵物,Mike認為老鼠不衛生
- Rachel和Gavin水火不容,最後Monica還邀請他來參加Rachel的生日派對...

helium voice, leptospirosis, hantavirus, unsanitary, obnoxious, leer,
wisecracking owl, cusp, high road,

Joey: Actually, that will be long. You know, I really need to organize my
Chandler: Your thoughts? Plural?

Phoebe: Well I'm sorry Rachel, but I'm not like you, ok? Not everyone can
afford help. (she and Mike leave)

Chandler在生日派對上吹氣球,結果聲音變的跟唐老鴨一樣 XDDD (結尾的時候他
又做了一遍)-->this is called "helium voice")

Chandler: (sings in a helium voice) First I was afraid, I was
petrified (very happy)

[guest star]
Paul Rudd (as Mike) Dermot Mulroney (as Gavin) Melissa George (as Molly)
Carly Thomas (as Tabitha) Cheryl Kennard (as Heather)
913 - TOW Monica Sings (+++++)


- Ross對於Rachel親吻Gavin的行為很不高興,於是他跟Chandler抱怨後,Chandler
- Phoebe帶著Monica到Mike伴奏的餐廳唱歌,Monica不知道自己在台上受歡迎的原因,
- Rachel 無法面對Gavin,於是她裝病待在家裡,後來Gavin來找她.......
- Joey要演一個女人,但是他的導演告訴他他的眉毛太陽剛氣了,於是Joey去店裡拔

huffy, high threshold, tweezze, stray, dish it out, rodeo clown, bronco,
rendition, caterpillar, amoxicillin, doodie, parasites


Chandler: Sure! Just give me a second to get all huffy and weird like you!
Do you believe that who ever did something over here last night
did what they did or didn't do ...I mean come on!!

Rachel: Hi guys! Listen I really need your help. I think I did something
really stupid.
Phoebe: Well yes Rachel but you got something so beautiful out there

Chandler: Hey it's the most eligible man in NY. How's the moving on going?

Chandler: Are you trying to get everybody divorced?

Ross: Hum...So...hum...Oh hey I noticed you were reading the paper...another
flood in Europe? Here’s a question: Would you...would you rather
drown or be burnt alive?"

Michelle: No, wait, you don’t have my phone number!
Ross: You know, if it’s meant to be, I’ll guess it. Bye, bye.

Ross: Oh, really!
Rachel: Yeah.
Ross: Oh, really!
Rachel: Oh yeah. (這段超好笑 XD)


[guest star]
Paul Rudd (as Mike) Dermot Mulroney (as Gavin) Melissa George (as Molly)
Jennifer Aspen (as Michelle) Lori Alan (as Sonya)
Lisa Calderon (as Michelle's Friend) Kristen Ariza (as The Receptionist)
DeAnna Steele (as The Woman) Megan Linder (as Woman #2)
914 - TOW The Blind Dates (+++)


- Ross跟Rachel各找了Joey跟Phoebe幫他們找對象,但是Joey跟Phoebe卻一致認為
- Chandler跟Monica幫Rachel照顧 Emma,但是這天剛好是Monica的排卵日期,所以
他們還是做了,但是剛好被隔壁的Joey聽見,結果Joey把 Emma帶回去,讓大家嚇
- Ross沒等到人跟Rachel跟一個爛人約會的subplot:Ross在餐廳等了很久,結果

**Phoebe跟Joey的 Plan Laugh 超蠢!
**Chandler的假裝下樓梯 XD 還學雞叫 (為了逗emma) XDDDD

happening people, bit, silk-screen


Waiter: Are you worried your date came, saw you, and left?

Rachel: Oh, oh no. Do you think she walked in, saw you and left?


[guest star]
Jon Lovitz (as Steve) Sam Pancake (as The Waiter) John Bentley (as Waiter #2)
915 - TOW The Mugging (+++)


- Chandler 在一間廣告公司找到工作,不過暫時只是個實習生,於是他努力的在
- Joey的經紀人幫他找到了一個很不錯的試鏡,但是他的演技讓導演連連搖頭,
但是之後的一次意外讓他忽然看起來很入戲.... (因為他水喝太多...)
- Ross跟Phoebe在路上結果遇到一個搶劫的人,結果那個搶劫的人竟然是Phoebe

ground work, sell-out, credibility, knockers, tort, thug, egg nog, formula,
neat, key demographic, mindset,


Chandler: (excited) Guys, guys, I've got great news! Guess what...
Joey: Uh, ah, Monica's pregnant?!
Monica: (shocked) Really?

Phoebe : I didn't eat gold and had a flying pony.

Joey: "I can't. Oh, I want to, long pause, but I can't."

Joey的"牙買加口音"又跑出來了" XDDD 在那集電影首映也出現過

Joey: Well, he said I wasn't urgent enough, you know, and that
everything I did was horizontal and I should be more vertical.
Oh, and he said that I should think less.

Monica: (bewildered) How do you know a mugger?
Phoebe: I'm sorry I have friends outside the six of us.

Phoebe: Well, ok, I wasn't rich like you guys, ok, I didn't eat gold and
have a flying pony...I had a hard life, my mother was killed by
a drug dealer...
Monica: You're mother killed herself!
Phoebe: She was a drug dealer!

Chandler: Yes, how's this: They're so uncomfortable it's like getting
kicked in the nuts for your feet!

Phoebe: Hey, how was class?
Ross: No one ever asked me that, what's wrong?

Ross在最後跑來問Monica有沒有把被Phoebe搶的糗事告訴大家 XDDD

[guest star]
Jeff Goldblum (as Leonard) Phill Lewis (as Steve) Teck Holmes (as Jordan)
Kyle Gass (as Lowell) Suzanne Ford (as The Female Producer)
Michelle Anne Johnson (as The Casting Director)
916 - TOW The Boob Job


- 因為少了Chandler工作的收入,Monica和Chandler繳不出這個月的帳單,但是
- Phoebe想要跟Mike住在一起,但是後來Mike說他永遠都不想結婚,這樣Phoebe
- 由於Emma開始會爬了,Rachel決定在家裡裝了一些保護嬰兒的措施,鬧了一些

cut back, tube top, known crack den, baby-proofing, defecate, boxy,
flights of stairs,


Chandler: That's right! I do! And I'm your man. And i'm going to get us
through this situation even if it means you working twice as

Joey: Oh...baby-proofing...Why is this such a big deal now? Y'know...when
I was a kid it was like... "Whoops! Joey fell down the stairs!" or
er... "Whoops! Joey electrocuted himself again!" Huh!

Monica: Is that a bit you guys do?
Phoebe: Uh huh...we're playing you two. (這超好笑 XDDDD)

Phoebe: Oh! Alright. Well I think the reason people laugh is becuase
it's a play on the word roomie.

Phoebe: Listen, I wanted to ask you something about marriage.
Ross: Oh great now you're seeking me out to make jokes? I mean I can
see for all hanging out but to come to my home! (這句很好笑 XDDD)

Rachel: Man, don't be surprised if her hands and her feet get bigger too!
Chandler: They...DO that?
Monica: It's kind of a package deal!

Chandler: Well! We er...climbed up four flights of stairs, maneuvered a
narrow hallway, dodged a rabid pitbull...but these last three
feet are where it gets REALLY tricky.
Ross: You know, sometimes your words, they hurt.

Chandler: Ah...look on the bright side...I mean you won't have to live with
this ugly chair! That was here already huh? I love you.(they hug again.)

[guest star]
Paul Rudd (as Mike) Timothy Starks (as The Handyman)
917 - TOW Memorial Services (+++)

- Chandler在網路上說ross跟恐龍做愛, 結果Ross就反擊了說Chandler是gay,
Chandler則反擊說Ross已經死了, 不過他們卻發現大家比較關心Chandler是gay,
- Joey 有一隻陪他睡覺的玩偶Hugzi, 於是他跟Emma展開了一場爭奪戰...
- Phoebe剛剛分手了, 但是她現在想要回去Mike的身邊, 但是她找了Monica幫她看著

scrunchy, blimp, base unit,


Monica: Really? If that's what you want...
Phoebe: That was a test and you just failed.


Ross: Oh please, hit by a blimp?
Chandler: It kills over one americans every year.

Phoebe和Monica的電話爭奪戰真的很好笑 XD
Phoebe: Damn you Monica Geller hyphen Bing!

Rachel: Then what's that big lump under your covers?
Joey: It's Monica, ok?

Rachel: (yelling) Joey, there is a reason that Emma loves that stupid
penguin so much (Joey covers Hugsy's ears) Oh don't cover its ears!

[guest star]
Paul Rudd (as Mike) Ivana Milicevic (as Kori) Jonathan Slavin (as Manny)
Ernie Grunwald (as Tom)
918 - TOW the Lottery (+++)


- Joey 向 Monica 借車要去買樂透,於是Phoebe就提議大家合資共同買彩券,Ross
起先對於彩券嗤之以鼻,但後來Monica也幫他出了錢。但是後來因為Monica 自己
- Chandler 在家裡一通重要的電話,這通電話將影響到他是否可以得到支薪的工作...
- Rachel 認為 Emma有可能會說出他的第一個字,結果她的第一個字竟然是.....

casserole 砂鍋菜, gremlin 小精靈, gas up 加油, low-yeild bond, skittish,
be on the roll 很成功, gleba, spore, fungi, payout, jackpot,
butt-crack 屁股的夾縫 (=.="), pitch in


Rachel: Well when I talk to her I almost feel like she understands
what I'm saying.
Chandler: Kinda like Joey.

Monica: Oh! You assume because I was heavy that's the only way I could
win something?
Chandler: No, I saw a picture of you covered in blueberries.

Rachel: Joey relax! My mother picked her up two hours ago. You were

Ross: Yeah, uh... and then I figured after you win, we could all go
out to the balcony and see a night rainbow with gremlins dancing
on top of it!

Ross: You know what, I'm sure your wish is gonna come true, but, you
guys - just in case, maybe a genie will come out if we rub this
lamp! (rubs lamp, stops because it's very hot) Ah!! That thing
gets hot!! (Ross又叫了 XD)

Phoebe和Ross玩的"mommy&daughter" game...

Monica: Hey, you just got in 5 minutes ago!
Ross: 3 minutes ago!!! I don't know why that's important ...


Ross: Yes you did, gleba is a word!
Ross: Ok, use it in a sentence.
Rachel: Ok... "Emma just said gleba"!

Ross: Oh, oh, ok, great. You know what, while you're at it she said another
word the other day, why don't you, why don't you look up: pbbqqt....

Ross: Me too. So much for my dinosaur/Amelia Earhart theme park.

[guest star]
James Michael Tyler (as Gunther) Phill Lewis (as Steve)
919 - TOW Rachel's Dream


- Monica的餐廳被訂到客滿,她忙不過來結果Phoebe還在外面亂唱歌。Monica認為
- Chandler原本要帶Monica到Vermont度假,但因為Monica工作的關係,旅館又沒辦法
- Joey希望Rachel可以到片廠看他拍戲拍的好不好,結果Rachel入戲太深,回到家還

revoked, refundable, on the bell, spleen, wound up, amenity,
complimentary toiletries, mouthwash, deodorant, dental floss, band aids,
shaving cream, after shave, tampon, ballad, butler, bopping along,
clove, factor in (v.), lashed out against


Phoebe: (playing guitar and singing) And there's a country called
Argentinaaaa, it's a place I've never seeeeen. But I'm told for
fifty pesos you can buy a human spleen. Humaaan spleeeeen. Ole!
Phoebe: (with a fancy dress, still playing and singing) : It wasn't just
that she was fat, the woman smelled like garbage! Everyone!
It wasn't just that she was fat the woman smelled like
garbaaaaaage! (to Monica, showing her dress) Classy, uh?


Ross: Let's celebrate with some maple candy!
Chandler: No!
Ross: At least tell me where you hid it.

Monica: Let me think. Oh, when I was younger I used to dream that I got
married to Mayor McCheese, and on our wedding night I ate his head.

Monica: Thank god, it's just you! I thought someone was swinging a bag of
cats against the wall.

Ending...Ross把糖又給偷吃掉了..真的很好笑 XD

[guest star]
Marisol Nichols (as Olivia) Joe Colligan (as The Director)
Blake Reed (as Chase) Shayne Anderson (as Customer #1)
Keith Pillow (as Customer #2) Johnny Sneed (as Customer #3)
920 - TOW The Soap Opera Party

- Ross要和另外兩位教授會面,其中一位很辣,但另一個是個老古董,結果他們
- Joey晚上有個派對要赴約,於是他搞了五張票給其他人要支開他們,結果卻被
- 在派對上,Ross和Charlie相談甚歡,Rachel也打定主意要向Joey告白,結果

tarragon, windbag, tweed jacket, elbow patch, suede, mutagenesis, mussel,
cashew, almond, filbert, prance, variegation, arthopod, secretion, poultry,
turn in, inhibition, pry, woolly mammoth, rug (假髮), cult (信教的人),
slum it, discredited, punctuated equilibrium,


Chandler: (browsing through a diary) Well, let me see... I-I believe I'm...
yes, falling asleep in front of the TV.

Rachel: (whispering) Why? (Monica gesticulates mumbling something that
starts with "because") Seriously I did not understand a word that
you said.

Monica: (to chandler) Twenty bucks says they're married within the month.
Ross: (hitting Monica with his suitcase)

Monica: The game's over! Take off your robe!
Joey: (looks perplexed and opens up his robe) Ok... I mean...
Everyone: No!! Cover it up!!

Chandler: Oh yeah! I mean at first I hated it, but why wouldn't I, because
as a man I've been trained (bitter woman's tone) not to listen!
(pause) But after chapter 16: "fat, single and ready to mingle",
I was uplifted.

Phoebe: Good for you! And hey, I thought your paper on punctuated
equilibrium in the Devonian era was top notch!
Ross: Stop going through my stuff (walks away)!

Ending: Chandler的報復 XD

[guest star]
Aisha Tyler (as Charlie) James Michael Tyler (as Gunther)
Ken Lerner (as Professor Spafford) Alex Borstein (as Bitter Woman on Stage)
Ethan Erickson (as Dirk) Matthew Ashford (as Himself)
Kyle Lowder (as Himself)
921 - TOW The Fertility Test

- Rachel拿到一張大型連鎖店的招待券,但是Phoebe反對連鎖店機制,就把那張
招待卷撕掉,結果Rachel還是把招待卷黏回去,卻意外發現 Phoebe竟然在裡面
- Joey和Charlie約會,但是Joey知道自己和Charlie實在差太多了,於是他請教Ross
- Chandler和Monica去做生殖力檢查,結果竟然遇到了Janice...

tonsil, acrimonious, gift certificate, class trip, foreword, affected tone,
Mesopotamia, cranky, impasto, canvas, monster truck, ygomatic craniotomy,
chiaroscuro, ad-libbing, callousy, crummy, 401K, stooge, punch a clock,


Rachel: Ah, why, now I can't get a massage? There are so many things that
she disapproves of! I can't eat veal, I can't wear fur, I can't go hunting..

[guest star]
Aisha Tyler (as Charlie) Maggie Wheeler (as Janice) Myra Turley (as Nurse)
Debra Azar (as Spa Receptionist)
922 - TOW The Doner


- Joey要Rachel帶Charlie去購物,結果Rachel一直避開她。後來在和Phoebe講話的
- Chandler和Monica去見過醫生後決定選擇找個種,結果Chandler帶了他工作同事
- Ross有機會要去Barbado參加研討會,但是他的上司在聽他的報告的時候竟然

eat his heart out, dazzle, repercussion, boggle, shoulder pad, beet, coaster,
keynote, upwind


Chandler: (looking at the picture of the female reproductive system) Wow!
Fortunately she has a very pretty face!

Ross的Magic Tricks

Chandler: I think I can safely say that we all have family issues, work
stuff and/or are sick.
Ross: It's in Barbados.
Chandler: But you come first!

Phoebe: Oh! I'm sorry Rachel, I don't have time for your childish games,
ok? I still have to go find something incredible to wear so I can
beat Mike at "who's more over who"! (at which she walks away)

[guest star]
Hank Azaria (as David) John Stamos (as Zack) Aisha Tyler (as Charlie)
Andy Umberger (as Dr. Connelly) Dan Desmond (as Professor Sherman)
Cynthia Newman (as Jeanette) Kim Harris (as The Cologne Spritzer)
Tracy Silver (as Dressing Room Woman)
923 - The One In Barbados


- Ross在Barbado發表了他的演說,相當成功。(Twist: Chandler看他的電腦結果
- Phoebe遇到了David又復合,結果她還是無法忘記Mike。David為了挽回劣勢,只好
- 因為Charlie被抓去幫忙Ross,只留下Joey和Rachel沒事做,他們兩個就偷偷參加了
- Monica後來和Mike在玩乒乓球,比賽異常激烈...
- Joey和Charlie因為沒有共通點而分手,Rachel向Joey告白,Charlie找上了Ross,

pasty, karat, pharmaceutical, float, stepped on the toes of, frostbite,
adjoine, cold sore, herbivore, carnivore, Homo erectus, clunk, dial it down,
paper route, nifty, blistered, doubles, tournaments

Phoebe: No, no, because, you know, he's been in Minsk for 8 years and if he
gets too much direct sunlight, he'll die.

David: I'm sorry, uh... I just wish I could make her forget about Mike
already, you know... Why did Phoebe and Mike break up?
Chandler: Oh, because his penis was too big.

Monica的頭髮爆炸了 XD

Phoebe: Oh, ok, you want me to marry Mike? Alright, well, let's just gag
him and handcuff him and force him down the aisle. I can just see
it: "Mike, do you take Phoebe..." (gestures with her hand as if
someone is covering her mouth and tries to shout "No! No!") You
know, it's every girl's dream!

Joey: Oh what, did someone outbid you for the teapot? (Chandler looks
annoyed at him and Joey leans in to him) Oh! Secret teapot?

Chandler: (pointing at her) Oooooooh! Meddler! Meddler!

Chandler: I think we have some time. Have you ever heard him talk?
(doing David) "Uh, Phoebe, uh, I would be honoured, uh..." Spit
it out, David!

Chandler: Hey! Remember when I had corneas?

Monica: Aww!
Mike: Oh, by the way... I'm awesome!!
Chandler: (nearly whispering) Oh dear God, there's two of them!

Chandler: Should I use my invisibility to fight crime or for evil?


[guest star]

Hank Azaria (as David) Paul Rudd (as Mike) Aisha Tyler (as Charlie)
Audrey Wasilewski (as Sarah)

Paul Rudd (as Mike) Aisha Tyler (as Charlie)
John Balma (as Professor Oberblau) Robert Beuth (as Professor Klarik)
Joe Everett Michaels (as Waiter) Alison Shanks (as Mrs. Oberblau)


But in real life, you're not properly lit
and there's no soundtrack. --Jack


All Comments

Erin avatar
By Erin
at 2006-04-28T21:41
最近剛好看第九季 :D


Anthony avatar
By Anthony
at 2006-04-27T09:31
801 - The One After and#34;I Doand#34; Pltos: - Ross以為Monica懷孕了,但是因為她馬上拒絕承認,Phoebe聰明的把焦點轉到 自己身上,這讓真正懷孕的Rachel有一點喘息的空間,但是當Moncia看到Rachel 把香檳吐出來,她馬上就知道真 ...

Re: 那個動作是什麼意思?

Joe avatar
By Joe
at 2006-04-27T08:03
※ 引述《phoebehsu (蓋世英雄到來!!!)》之銘言: : 在第七季裡面 有一回Monica因為即將要嫁給Chanlder : 不能在認識新的人而感到恐慌 然後他在咖啡館裡面假裝不在乎的告訴Phoebe : 他和Chanlder的感情有多麼堅固 這時Chanlder剛好走過來 : Monica便 ...


Vanessa avatar
By Vanessa
at 2006-04-26T11:40
601 - The One After Vegas Pltos: - Rachel跟Ross在維加斯喝醉酒並結了婚, 當他們酒醒之後知道這件事情十分 的驚訝, Rachel不停的要Ross取消這次的婚禮, 但是Ross最後並沒有這麼做.. - Chandler和 Monica看到Ross跟Rachel結 ...


Bethany avatar
By Bethany
at 2006-04-26T10:10
501 - The One After Ross Says Rachel Plots: - Monica和Chandler一直在找機會上床, 但是老天好像不怎麼眷顧他們... - Ross不斷的在找逃婚的Emily, 但是他總是找不到她... - Rachel不斷的在說服別人Ross在婚禮上說她的名字的確有 ...


Jacky avatar
By Jacky
at 2006-04-26T08:49
401 - The One With The Jellyfish (++) Plots: - Phoebe找到她的生母, 但是Phoebe對她十分的不諒解, 後來.. - Rachel跟Ross想要復合, 但是Rachel寫了一封18頁的信給Ross, 要他負起責任, 誰知Ross沒看完信... - J ...