第十季劇情大綱 - 六人行

Lily avatar
By Lily
at 2006-04-27T10:27

Table of Contents

1001 - The One After Joey And Rachel Kiss

- Joey 和 Ross到最後都喜歡上對方的女伴,不過Ross認為在任何事情發生
- Monica去把頭髮洗直了, 但是她卻換了一頭更勁爆的造型
- Mike在飛機上坦承和Phoebe分手後他又交了新女友,不過他答應會和她分手

floozy, man (v.), bedspring, nonchalant, pout (嘟嘴), overhead bins,
on a edge on sb, strap on a pair, pound, frizzy, anti-depressant,
corn rose, gnaw, frayed,

* Ross進來,大家貼著牆壁,假裝在和旅館道別
* Chandler把Joey拉到他房間去...
Chandler: (caresses the wall with his finger) Bye!

Chandler: Okay, well we'll go back in there, but will you do one thing
for us? The people that care about you?
Rachel: Sure...
Chandler: Enunciate!

* Phoebe堅持要叫Precious "Susie" / Mile回家之後被打一巴掌
* Ross發現了Rachel和Joey,結果Rachel用胸部祈求他的原諒....
Ending 看不懂...

[guest star]
Paul Rudd (as Mike) Aisha Tyler (as Charlie) Anne Dudek (as Precious)
1002 - The One Where Ross Is Fine

- Ross自從看到Rachel和Joey接吻之後,就無法控制自己做出一些他自己認為
- Monica 在準備領養事宜,但是太複雜了她搞不懂 (Chandler則是一點都不想管
- Phoebe的弟弟 Frank來找她,才知道這幾年來Frank被折磨的慘狀。Frank 試圖

fajita, feel sb. up, wee-wee, compass, burp, realtor,

* 小孩子跑進來玩Chandler的時候很好笑
* 結尾Chandler又把三胞胎是Phoebe生的事情當面講了出來....

[guest star]
Giovanni Ribisi (as Frank Jr.) Aisha Tyler (as Charlie)
Daryl Sabara (as Owen) Jim Meskimen (as Bill) Kellie Waymire (as Colleen)
Allisyn Ashley Arm (as Leslie) Sierra Marcoux (as Chandler)
Dante Pastula (as Frank Jr. Jr.)
1003 - The One With Ross's Tan (+++++)

- Joey跟Rachel約會,他們回家想要有進一步發展的時候,Rachel卻一直打Joey....
- Ross看到Monica去做人工日光浴,他覺得不賴所以也去做了,但是他卻搞到正反面
- Monica跟phoebe以前的朋友 Amanda突然回來了,但是她只是個討人厭的傢伙,於是

weld, musty, scrappy,

* Joey敎Chandler如何再約會後有進一步的發展
* Monica 不斷的告訴別人Chandler去做足部美容 XD
Monica: Oh, I guess we could try that, but... it seems so harsh! (to
Chandler) Have you ever done that?
Chandler: No, had it done to me though. Feels good !

Ross: I went to that tanning place your wife suggested.
Chandler: Was that place... The Sun?

Monica: (sees what he is doing) Chandler, stop! It is not going to pop
Chandler: (without taking his eyes off the bra) You don't know! (Monica
just smiles)

Amanda: Oh! Bugger. Should I not have said that? I feel like a perfect arse!
Phoebe: Yeah well, in America you're just an "ass".

Amanda: Ooh, that accident must have been terrible. You look positively
Chandler: Well, aren't you a treat.

* Amanda跳舞給Chandler看....XDDD
* Ending: Chandler去幫Ross拍黑臉照...

[guest star]
Jennifer Coolidge (as Amanda) Luis Antonio Ramos (as The Tanning Salon Guy)
Iris Bahr (as Glenda)
1004 - The One With The Cake (+++++)

- Ross 和 Rachel 要替Emma辦個一歲的生日會,但是送來的蛋糕卻送錯了,原本
- Monica和Chandler計畫去Vermont度假,但是因為生日派對的關係只得留在家裡,
- Phoebe送給 Emma 自己寫的一首歌 (很爛),Joey原本沒有準備,但後來看Phoebe

ram, platter, antsy, post-partum, cholesterol, unreveled, hate crime,
manger scene,

Rachel: Oh, she's still napping
Chandler: Oh, sure, she was probably up all night, excited about the
party she knows is happening.

Joey: Hey Pheebs, you know what? I was thinking... since you wrote a
song, maybe I could do something for Emma using my talents!
Phoebe: So you're gonna... hit on her?

* Phoebe的歌.../ 念的東西..=.=

Jack: That's true! This message could becoming to you from beyond
the grave, Emma!
Judy: Remember, Emma, heart disease kills women too!

Jack: I know what you're thinking Judy, the resemblance is uncanny!
Ross: I am this close to tugging on my testicles again.

Chandler: To be fair this one does have nuts.

Chandler: Hi Emma! It's the year 2020. Are you still enjoying your nap?
Monica: We're Aunt Monica and uncle Chandler, by the way. You may not
recognize us, because we haven't spoken to your parents in seventeen
Chandler: We used to be married, but then we missed a weekend away together
and things kind of unraveled. Because of you! Happy Birthday.
(Ross looks disappointed and switches the camcorder off)

* 結尾:大家在外面玩填充玩具賽跑

[guest star]
Elliott Gould (as Jack Geller) June Gable (as Estelle)
Christina Pickles (as Judy Geller)
1005 - The One Where Rachel's Sister Baby-sits

- Monica和Chandler要找人寫推薦信給領養中心,Joey毛遂自薦於是他們就讓他寫了
- Phoebe和mike到球場去慶祝一週年,結果Phoebe看到有人用大螢幕求婚認為很爛,
- Rachel的妹妹Amy來找她告訴她要結婚的消息,不過顯然她的考量是對方的金錢。
Rachel 連忙告訴她結婚需要慎重考慮,結果她跟另外一個人結婚了卻要留在Rachel

oversight, tack, falafel, nacho, prepossesing, aortic, condo, orchid,
clipped-on, accessorize,

Joey: Oh, 'They are warm, nice, people with big hearts'.
Chandler: And that became 'they are humid prepossessing Homo Sapiens with
full sized aortic pumps...?

Chandler: She's right! If I were a guy and... (stops himself mid-sentence...
everyone stares at him) Did I just say if I were a guy..?

[guest star]
Christina Applegate (as Amy) Paul Rudd (as Mike) Aisha Tyler (as Charlie)
1006 - The One With Ross' Grant (++++)

- Chandler有個廣告試鏡的機會,雖然Joey躍躍欲試,還拿了他的護唇膏廣告給
- Ross有機會得到大學獎助,但是負責決定的人是Charlie的前男友Hobart,Ross
- Mike要Phoebe把一些不該留著的東西清理掉,結果Phoebe因為要清理掉她最喜歡的

chameleon, latex, osteologica, taxonomic, field work, invasion band,

* Ross在餐廳吃飯尷尬的笑聲

Chandler: (sounds nervous) Yeah! I... I... I liked it! (Joey continues to
look at him suspiciously) But, ehm... my bosses didn't go for
it. Stupid sons of bitches!

Chandler: I can't believe Joey. I hate being called a liar!
Rachel: But you are a liar.
Chandler: What did I just say?

* Ending: Rachel拿恐怖的畫嚇Joey,Monica拿更恐怖的畫嚇Rachel

[guest star]
Greg Kinnear (as Dr. Hobart) Aisha Tyler (as Charlie) Ming Lo (as Dr. Li)
Cathy Lind Hayes (as Dr. Biely)
1007 - The One With The Home Study

- Phoebe和Mike在計畫婚禮,但他們決定把錢捐給慈善機構,不過後來又反反覆覆,
- 領養中心的人員要來對Monica和Chandler的家庭做了解,才能決定能不能讓他們
- 因為Rachel小時後對盪鞦韆有不好的印象,她不願意讓 Emma 到遊樂場玩鞦韆,
Ross 極力的說服她鞦韆是安全的,不過他自己似乎也被小孩子撞了好幾次。

insinuation, sizeable, spruce, tainted,

Mike: I heard that weddings are like a 40 billion dollar a year industry.
Ross: Yeah, and I'm responsible for just like half of that.

Rachel: (looks at him suspiciously) I know what this is all about...
You've always been jealous of my hair.

Ending: Rachel在鞦韆上又不小心把Ross踢開了

[guest star]
Paul Rudd (as Mike) Maria Pitillo (as Laura)
Matt Winston (as The Charity Clerk)
1008 - The One With The Late Thanksgiving (+++)

- Monica和Chandler為了感恩節準備了一大堆東西..而其他人卻跑出去玩而遲到了..
- Joey跟Ross跑去看Ranger的比賽..而把Chandler的話拋在腦後
- Phoebe和Rachel帶著Emma去參加小孩的選美比賽~而趕不及參加感恩節的晚餐

baton, croup, hold a candle, PCP, brussels sprouts, wiggle,

Phoebe : What's Emma doing today?
Rachel : Well, let's see... uh... I know that she has a meeting with her
lawyer and then she has to make a very big poop. Why?

Monica : Name one of his books.
Chandler : (after a long pause) "The Firm"?

* Chandler竟然要用肥皂洗水果..

Phoebe : Don't point that thing at me, Tribbiani!

Ross : Wha...? Oh sure, now they lock it, but when they're having sex on
the couch, its like: "Come on in, my butt is surprisingly hairy".

Ross : (to Joey, who is wearing a blue, 3 foot hand) FOR THE LOVE OF GOD
TAKE IT OFF!! (takes it off his hand and throws it on the floor)

Chandler : The cranberries...?
Monica : Oh! Enough! A monkey could have made 'em!

Monica : Chandler, where are your tools?
Chandler : (sarcastically) Oh, I left them on my bulldozer... I don't
have tools!
* 大家在Joey的褲子後面塞東西

Joey : Sure. I went through the exact same thing with Alicia Mae Emory...
The waiting, the wandering... Then one day... I get that call from
Toys "R" Us... She was in stock!

[guest star]
1009 - The One With The Birth Mother

- Joey不小心看到Phoebe和她的朋友Sara談話,便要求要約會,Phoebe原本不答應
- Chandler和Monica要去Ohio找那名挑選他們的母親,結果到了那邊才發現原來她
- Ross有個約會,但他的女伴嫌他穿衣服的品味,於是Rachel和Phoebe帶他去買衣服,
不過 Ross卻提錯袋子,結果去約會的時候穿上了跟他女伴同樣的衣服........

reverend, mozzarella stick, onion rings, padlock, anonimity,
turn a few heads, coule

Chandler: I can develop a condition in which I talk and talk and no one
hears a word.


[guest star]
Anna Faris (as Erica) Jim O'Heir (as Adoption Agency Worker)
Annie Parisse (as Sarah) Jorge Luis Abreu (as The Waiter)
Carla Toutz (as Joan)
1010 - The One Where Chandler Gets Caught (回憶)

- Chandler 和房屋仲介去看房子,結果被一旁的Rachel和Phoebe看到,Chandler
- 住在公寓的回憶
- 最後Chandler假裝沒通過,但是只告訴Monica他們其實可以買到那棟房子。結尾
,他們兩個買了大家喜歡的東西,然後講了就落跑 XD
stun gun, wainscotting , crown molding, dormer window, homey, thump, beaver,
blind (n.),

*開頭,大家在討論會放棄性還是食物 (Joey無法決定他能放棄哪一項)

Monica: (really excited) Mmh... this cake is amazing!
Rachel: My God, get a room!

Monica: How bad you wanna smoke, right now.
Chandler: I don’t know what you mean, giant talking cigarette!

Ross: (yelling in pain) I know nothing! Mike’s a great guy, it was

[guest star]
1011 - The One Where The Stripper Cries

- Joey得到機會上電視節目參加「金字塔」猜謎,不過他的表現實在是....
- Rachel和Monica要幫Phoebe舉行單身漢派對,結果她們沒找脫衣舞男來讓Phoebe
- Chandler和Ross參加校友會的宴會,看到很多以前的女同學,於是他們想起以前的

raunchy, wad , relish, on a roll, penal code, cringe, wince, rotunda,
filibuster, addendum, joint session, pecs, elm, birch, enchilada, Pepperoni

Chandler: (to Monica) I'm leaving you.

Missy: Sure, he was in your "band"? (she air quotes band)
Ross: It's been sixteen years but the air quotes still hurt.

* Ending: 胖胖的Monica一個人在跳舞

[guest star]
Danny DeVito (as Roy) Ellen Pompeo (as Missy) Donny Osmond (as Himself)
Gregory Jbara (as Gene) Leslie Charleson (as Herself)
Kimberley Davies (as Adrienne Turner) Ryan Carlberg (as Pizza Delivery Boy)
Cyndi Martino (as Henrietta) Matthew Mullany (as Stage Manager)
1012 - The One With Phoebe's Wedding (+++++)

- 自從Phoebe找Joey當他的主婚人後,Joey就一直以Phoebe的父親自居,還一直找
- Monica幫Phoebe籌畫婚禮,不過她那著急又嚇人的態度讓Pheobe受不了,最後把她
- Chandler和Ross發現自己在婚禮裡面沒有事情做,後來發現Mike的朋友不克出席後

harpist, synchronized swimming (花式游泳), balance beam (平衡木),
pot sticker, figure skating (花式溜冰), wiseacre, rehab,
bridesmaid central (伴娘總部 XD), corsage, breathtaking, team grate,
crush a pill, broken arrow, weathergirl,

Chandler: You look great. I'm so glad we're having this rehearsal dinner,
you know, I so rarely get to practice my meals before I eat them.
Phoebe: Okay, what did we say was your one gift to us?
Chandler: No stupid jokes. I thought that was for the actual wedding.
Phoebe: Rehearse it!

Monica: Yeah, I changed them. I-I sent you a fax about it!
Phoebe: I don't have a fax machine.

Chandler: Fine. We're just sitting here. Alone. Doing nothing. It's our
rehearsal for tomorrow.

Joey: Strike three! You only get one more, Mike! (明明只有三好球...)

Phoebe: Ok, ok, I, ok, I.... MONICA I CAN'T DO IT LIKE THIS! THIS IS MY
WEDDING! OKAY, I DON'T WANT THIS (she mimes Monica's when she was
twirling her hands) OR THIS (she taps her watch) OR THIS (she

Phoebe: You won awards?
Monica: Mm-mh. I printed them out on my computer.

Rachel: Oh, you are the lesser of two evils!

* Ending: Ross帶著那隻狗在街上大便

[guest star]
Paul Rudd (as Mike) James Michael Tyler (as Gunther)
Gregory Itzin (as Mr. Hannigan) Cristine Rose (as Mrs. Hannigan)
1013 - The One Where Joey Speaks French

- Joey參加的試鏡需要講法語,但是他不會講,所以找了Phoebe來幫他的忙,不過
- Rachel 的爸爸心臟病發住進了醫院,於是Ross和她一起去看他爸爸,不過Ross
- Monica和Chandler帶著Erica到紐約遊覽,卻意外得知孩子的生父過去可能拿了鏟子

mani-pedi, sedated, trimmer, money down the drain, catheter, tug,
sleeping bag,

Chandler: Oh, hey, when she gets here, is it ok if I introduce you two as
"my wife" and "the woman who's carrying my child"? (she's not
amused) No? Divorce?

Phoebe: Je m'appelle Claude.
Joey: Je depli mblue.

Chandler: Honey, it's us. Of course it's the shovel-killer.
Chandler: Pff, easy for you to say, he's a father killer. He probably loves
him mommy. He's probably got a tattoo that says "mom" on his
shovel-wielding arm!

* Ending: Joey喝牛奶...................

[guest star]
Anna Faris (as Erica) Ron Leibman (as Dr. Green)
Hira Ambrosino (as The Nurse) Alex Craig Mann (as The Casting Assistant)
Tim Edward Rhoze (as The Director)
1014 - The One With Princess Consuela

- Pheobe要去正式改名字,不過她到了改名字的地方後才發現原來她要改什麼都可以
- Ross和Rachel都在工作上有了新的突破,Ross可以得到教職;而Gucci要Rachel加入
他們的公司,不過後來Rachel 在餐廳面談時遇到她現在的老闆,結果兩頭空。最後
- Monica和Chandler要帶Joey去看他們的新房子,在那邊Joey不斷說那房子的缺點,

escrow, prude, loogie, heads-up, wiener, picket fence, banana hammock,

Phoebe: So meet Princess Consuela Banana Hammock.

Mike: I do love it, and I love your name. I love Princess Consuela.
Phoebe: And I love Crap.

Joey: (thinking) Uhm... oh! Okay. You come with me, and you tell them that
the house is haunted! Mackenzie: What are you? Eight?

Mackenzie: This is what my mom was talking about. Whiners are wieners.

Chandler: Joey, there was a little girl who lived here, but she died like
30 years ago. (Joey's eyes double in size)

Mike: Do you even know what a banana hammock is?
Phoebe: It's a funny word.
Mike: It's a Speedo.
Phoebe: ...Oh crap!

[guest star]
Paul Rudd (as Mike) Dakota Fanning (as Mackenzie) Steven Eckholdt (as Mark)
James Michael Tyler (as Gunther) Steve Ireland (as Mr. Zelner)
Brent Spiner (as James Campbell) Tom Dugan (as Maitre d')
Helen Eigenberg (as The Realtor) Mary-Margaret Lewis (as Rita)
Craig Robinson (as The Clerk) Alex Ball (as The Ralph Lauren Employee)
1015 - The One Where Estelle Dies

- 為了要讓Rachel留在紐約,Ross三番兩次的跑去她原來的公司,請她老闆讓她
留下來,不過最後Ross 還是認為Rachel比較適合去巴黎追求她的未來。
- Joey的經紀人Estelle過世了,Phoebe為了不想讓他太傷心,便千方百計的要把
這消息藏起來,不過最後 Joey還是接到電話留言要舉辦喪禮。
- Monica帶著Chandler去他們要買的房子隔壁看,結果卻不巧遇到了Janice,Janice

embolism, pterodactyl, replica,

Chandler: My boss said I might be getting a new lamp in my cubicle.
(Monica looks at him and can't really place what he just said)
超好笑的 XDDD

Joey: First, Phoebe getting married (to Phoebe) Congratulations!

Chandler: Well, it makes me feel sad, but...
Phoebe: Talking to Ross.
Chandler: I see.

Phoebe: Well, I think that shirt makes you look like you should work at a
Baskin Robbins...

Chandler: Is this the best way to use one of your three magic wishes?


Chandler: That is a great idea! And by the way, I don't mean to sound
distasteful, but when did you start crapping money!?

Monica: Okay, but if we don't get this house, she's stil gonna show up
wherever we go! I mean, at least if she's here, it eliminates
the element of suprise. I mean, never again will you have to hear
the three words that make your balls jump back up inside your body.
(She shows this with her index finger, mimicking it pushing
something up)

Joey: Thanks for everything Estelle. Bye. (Hangs up and reads the phone
display) "out of area". Boy, I'll say.

* 結尾:告別式,結果那個吃紙的人把joey的演講稿給吃掉了..

[guest star]
Steve Ireland (as Mr. Zelner) Jane Lynch (as Ellen)
Maggie Wheeler (as Janice) E.J. Callahan (as Al Zebooker)
1016 - The One With Rachel's Going Away Party

- 大夥替Rachel辦了一個小小的送別會,Rachel向每個人各自道別,但只有Ross
- Erica住在城裡的旅館裡,此集結束時她羊水破了

mark-up, yahoo, kinky, casserole, kidney bean, bubble wrap, cotton swab,
mascara, act out, licorice, flimsy, humdinger, cursory, antacid,

Rachel: Ok! Can't believe I'm risking this again, but you're on! All
right Joe, you remember the rules! Heads I win, tails you lose.

Monica: Ross! She's giving us her baby. She can eat you if she wants.

Monica: Mhm, helpful brother - creepy loner at teen movie.
(Ross takes the tape roll she's handing him and walks to the
guest room while mocking Monica's voice)

* Chandler和Ross在房間裡面打Joey的頭.....

Chandler: We're taking a break!
Monica: From?
Chandler: Jumping on the bed?

Chandler: Rachel... with handcuffs! Interesting! (he looks excited)
Monica: Joey's bare ass!
Chandler: (he doesn't look excited anymore). Well played.

Monica: (having the same problem) You're the best friend I ever had.
Rachel: (says something that cannot be understood)
Monica: What?
Rachel: I... I... I... (again saying something that cannot be understood)
Monica: That is so sweet. (they hug)

Chandler: Ooh, not so tight... (blows raspberry, and the hug ends) I'm
sorry, just give me one more chance.
Rachel: Okay. Oh...
(Chandler blows raspberry again)
* 結尾,Joey讓Phoebe塞一堆保麗龍在他褲子裡面,然後叫她踢他的胯下.......

[guest star]
Anna Faris (as Erica)
1017 - 1018 - The One Before The Last One
1019 - 1020 - The Last One

- Erica要生了,結果生出了雙胞胎。
- Joey買了新的小雞和小鴨要給Chandler當贈別禮物,結果卻讓他們跑到了足球桌
- Ross和Rachel上了床,不過Rachel仍然是執意要離開。

fun, medallion, glove compartment, haul ass, poultry,

Chandler: Hah. May not wanna mention this. So, you ever wonder which is
worse, you know; going through labor or getting kicked in the

* Phoebe的歌舞劇..=.=
* Gunther比Ross搶先告白..XDDD

Chandler: Maybe. Unless they're like two people who have lived in
apartments next to each other for years, and then one day they're
pushed through a vagina and they meet.

Phoebe: No, you don't! She's going to Paris! She is going to meet somebody.
Do you know how many hot guys there are in Paris? It's... It's a city
of Gunthers!

[guest star]
Paul Rudd (as Mike) Anna Faris (as Erica) John Rubinstein (as The Doctor)
James Michael Tyler (as Gunther) Carole Gutierrez (as Nurse)

Jim Rash (as Nervous Male Passenger) Jason Kravits (as Man in Cab)
Anthony Cistaro (as Gate Attendant) Manao Demuth (as Ticket Agent)
Brian Palermo (as Airline Representative) Michelle Pereira (as Female
Vincent Boyle (as Another Passenger)


But in real life, you're not properly lit
and there's no soundtrack. --Jack


All Comments

Agatha avatar
By Agatha
at 2006-04-30T20:35
Charlotte avatar
By Charlotte
at 2006-05-05T15:16
1~10季 太棒了!
Hardy avatar
By Hardy
at 2006-05-07T00:39
Rosalind avatar
By Rosalind
at 2006-05-08T05:48
結局... 看到第十季的劇情實在很想說....
Rachel 妳這bitch 阿阿阿阿!!!不停的破壞因緣又不把握!
Linda avatar
By Linda
at 2006-05-08T22:31
Ross 實在太可憐了.. 都到第十季只是多了一個未婚子


Anthony avatar
By Anthony
at 2006-04-27T09:31
801 - The One After and#34;I Doand#34; Pltos: - Ross以為Monica懷孕了,但是因為她馬上拒絕承認,Phoebe聰明的把焦點轉到 自己身上,這讓真正懷孕的Rachel有一點喘息的空間,但是當Moncia看到Rachel 把香檳吐出來,她馬上就知道真 ...

Re: 那個動作是什麼意思?

Joe avatar
By Joe
at 2006-04-27T08:03
※ 引述《phoebehsu (蓋世英雄到來!!!)》之銘言: : 在第七季裡面 有一回Monica因為即將要嫁給Chanlder : 不能在認識新的人而感到恐慌 然後他在咖啡館裡面假裝不在乎的告訴Phoebe : 他和Chanlder的感情有多麼堅固 這時Chanlder剛好走過來 : Monica便 ...


Vanessa avatar
By Vanessa
at 2006-04-26T11:40
601 - The One After Vegas Pltos: - Rachel跟Ross在維加斯喝醉酒並結了婚, 當他們酒醒之後知道這件事情十分 的驚訝, Rachel不停的要Ross取消這次的婚禮, 但是Ross最後並沒有這麼做.. - Chandler和 Monica看到Ross跟Rachel結 ...


Bethany avatar
By Bethany
at 2006-04-26T10:10
501 - The One After Ross Says Rachel Plots: - Monica和Chandler一直在找機會上床, 但是老天好像不怎麼眷顧他們... - Ross不斷的在找逃婚的Emily, 但是他總是找不到她... - Rachel不斷的在說服別人Ross在婚禮上說她的名字的確有 ...


Jacky avatar
By Jacky
at 2006-04-26T08:49
401 - The One With The Jellyfish (++) Plots: - Phoebe找到她的生母, 但是Phoebe對她十分的不諒解, 後來.. - Rachel跟Ross想要復合, 但是Rachel寫了一封18頁的信給Ross, 要他負起責任, 誰知Ross沒看完信... - J ...